The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 01, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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L(al and FN-rn mil. The Co-op i selling stationary at avers
.). W. Searson has tin olns in Furopcnn low figure,
history e very fourth hour. Miss .Jessie Goodoll. n last year student.
IClsio Bivby. who is teaching at Klinwood. is visiting her many university friends,
visited with Bertha .Johnston last week. (. 'p. Mnstin.'OO has returned to the Uui-
A meeting of the senior class is called for versity. He will enter the College of Law.
Oct. f. to consider senior insignia and foot- Last Monday in the chemical lahratory an
l11''' alcholic explosion occured. A small lire
Hew Nelson, a returned missionary from started hut was soon extinguished.
Syria, gave a short address in chapel Monday Lincoln's "Hustlers" are the people to buy
J. L. Conger writes us to send him the
IIksi'Kiman at Kmorson, Iowa, where he is
Word was received Tuesday of the death of
(Jeorge llellier of Nebraska City. He was a
student in the University last year.
.J. E. Cherney, who entered school this fall,
has been compelled to return to his home at
North Bend on account of sickness.
C. W. Taylor returned lo the University
Monday evening. Charley looks as though
work and Dakota agreed with him.
Miss Fdith Hutchinson of Bern, visited
over Miuday with her brother A. I. Hutchin
son and Uu- Misses Bertha and Nona Johnston.
Guy Howard has secured a position with
of, if you don't know 'em. try their Three
'Beauts." They are cheap and hot as !
Pennsylvania also. Phone 440. PJOti O.
Alumni .NoIh.
Wm. Grant '!7, Kappa Sigma, spent Sun
da'y in the city with friends.
Mr. Lehmer class of MKL will go to Mexico
this fall to engage in railroad work.
Horace Whitmore B. A. 181)."), is studying
for a second degree in American history.
Mrs. Ida 1. Atkinson, B. L.. 1S75), is study
ing for her Ph. I), in Chicago university.
Miss Mary Home M.M, returned last Friday
to her position in the Crerar Library, Chicago.
C. M. Skiles M)li now an attorney of Ulys
ses, Nebr. visited the University a couple of
the well known shoe linn of Sanderson. U,.V'S this week.
Schuerman & Davis where he works onSatur- Lawrence Packard M7 Sigma Chi, left yes-
dav. tenia v for Chicago. He will attend North-
Prof. Wolfe will remain in Lincoln the com- wostorn Medical College,
ingyear. He will cany on his investigations Prof. Geo. E. Howard, class of '7(5. ad-
in Psychology and lecture now and then at dressed the graduate seminar in American
the Universalis! church. history Thursday evening.
S. W. Pinkerton's smilinjr face meets Uni- L- V" 'I'royor. who graduated from the
versity people at Paine & Warfel's on Satur
days. C. L. Spenser holds a similar position
with Bumstead & Tuttle.
Candidates for the Glee club were exani
imd Wednesday evening at the conservatory.
There arc eight places to be filled this year.
It is rumored that they will be tilled on merit.
K. P. T.'ele Inih returned froVn Sioux Falls,
South Dakota, where he was called by the
.serious illness and death of his mother; Mr.
Toole's mother and sister moved to Dakota
from Millbrd. Neb. only the week before last.
History Pawr, riUml or ifain, "a nr 100
JJook Jvutrtnwuf, Hnriiolnlwhntir $' ('
University of Nebraska in 1892, is working in
Baptist Chapel Car Service.
A. A. Monroe '84. now superintendanl of
the South Omaha schools, was in Lincoln hst
Saturday attending a meeting of the State
Examining Committee.
Paul F. Clark B. A. '87. is working for a
Master's degree in the department of Ameri
can history. Mr. Clark has been practicing
law in Lincoln since his graduation.
K. S. Baker '!)7, the University Cicero, has
returned to the University with all his "elo
quence, altruism and ambition." He will
work for an M. A. in the Political Science
depart mou t.
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