The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 01, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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A.tlilelic; Awwooint.ioii ItJleotloii.
Early last Saturday morning there were
several small groups of eager students to be
seen about University hall, engaged in more
or less animated conversation. Even the
casual observer could see something was to
take place. One could hear all kinds of talk
about "rotten combines," "wire pullers'' and
'tie ups." The cause of aw this unpleasant
ness was the pending election of ollicersof the
athletic association.
The meeting was called for !):00 a. m. but
it was nearly ball' past before dues were paid
and chairman Pope saw his way clear to call
for order. The chair announced that nomi
nations for president were in order. "W. E.
Andrcson and Geo. ('. Shedd were placed in
nomination. Andreson received f( votes,
Shedd 20. The other ollicers were elected as
follows: O. T. Reedy, vice president; I). I .
Pope, secretary; E. It. Morrison, treasurer;
Geo. Porter, E. B. Perry, J. 10. Eeehot and
K. I). Lundis as student members; and Profs.
IL. W; Caldwell and G. E. Barber as faculty
members, of the athletic board. After the
passage of a motion to appoint an auditing
eommtitec, the meeting adjourned.
fli; to l'O. well, well!
B. V. Why don't you speak when we
"It is wrong to tie up" especially when it
is the other fellows who "tie up."
The "old war horses" simply had to give
way to the rising generation.
There is a marked difference between bosses
and loaders.
When Sparta begins to tight Athena it is a
Estate of affairs. "What will the Greeks
do now? poor things!"
"No, I will not play football this year,"
said the pilot, "for I can't play football and
run the University at the same time." The
result of the athletic association election may
not cause the pilot to don shii' guards, but it
at least, indicates which way the weather
vane is pointing.
Dr. Clyde Davis, dentist, 4th floor Rich
ards block.
The JDebtitiuiK-OliibH.
The meeting of the Palladian Boys' debat
ing club, Saturday evening, was well attended.
The greater part of the evening was spent in
parliamentary scrapping which thoroughly
tested the skill of Vice-president Sturdovant.
Some animated speeches resenting the accu
sation which the U. B. D. C. had made, that
the P. B. D. C. had stolen its gavel, added
life to the meeting. A few good impromptu
speeches were made.
The Union Boys' debating club held an
election of ollicers for the first term last Sat
urday evening. The following men
were duly installed into their
respective ollices: G. E. llager, presi
dent; John Plowhead, vice-president; S. T.
Brookings, secretary; D. 1. Pope and L. R.
Ewart, attorneys and II. W. Meier, the retir
ing president, seargent-at-arms.
The Delian Boys' debating club met and
had their first debate last Saturday night.
The question was: "Will the Populist party
endure?" The leaders made ten minute
speeches; the other members were allowed
three. All the members took part. Arrange
ments are being made with Wesleyan, Doane
and Lincoln Normal for debates. The ques
tion for debate next Saturday is: "Resolved,
that government by injunction is contrary to
constitutional liberty."
Letter from Sioux Falls To the Managing
Editor of the IIhsimckian: Being desirous of
keeping in touch with the University we
would like to have you send us your valuable
paper during the ensuing year. News that
the University is now opening makes us home
sick to be back, but, as that is impossible we
must do the next beat thing. Mathews and
i are nicely located here with bright prospects
for the future in our line of work. Yours
very truly, E. 0. Jones.
John P. Cameron writes from Tekamah.
"Send me the Hbspkuian at once. The fire
won't burn good without this household
Dr. Kelchum, Oculist and Aurist, .Richards'
Block treats diseases of the eye, ear, nose
and throat, and is fully equlped with instru
ments for fitting glasses without mydriatics.
All fees reasonable.