The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 01, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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Couch Robinson lias arrived and tlu; boys
arc well started in their training. The Coach
lias been visiting Harvard, Yale and other
places where football is indeed a science and
he brings to Nebraska all of the latest and
best tactics. This means a great deal. It
means the combination of the sturdy brawn
and muscle of the West with the science and
skill of the East. There is no reason why
the western teams should be inferior to the
eastern teams except for scientific training
and long experience. Nebraska has some
good men to choose from this year. Shedd.
Wiggins, Pearse. Benedict. Hansen and Tur
ner are here. Mel ford is expected back soon.
There were twenty-one men out to practice
Tuesday evening and all entered into the
work as though a good sized bruise were a
badge of honor.
While we say that the football outlook is
promising, we do not say that the sturdy sons
of Nebraska have a walk-awav. If the sear
let and cream is to wave triumphantly over
the Inter-State League, our boys must work.
Iowa, Kansas and Missouri are training hard
and steady, and each feels confident of victory.
The entire student body is behind them.
Every student should encnurag Manager
Oury in his efforts to put football on a busi
ness basis. You can help do this by buying
a season ticket which will cost but !.."( and
entitles you to see six games.
Everyone has something good to say about
Dr. Hastings, the new physical director. He
considers it as much his duty to "get out with
lhe boys,'' and to encourage and to help train
the team, as to conduct indoor classes in
physical training. His presence lias done
much in tlu way of getting the men down to
hard work early in the season. Heretofore it
has been a failing of Nebraska that she would
not begin practice until the last hour.
Nebraska is also to have a track team this
year. Hitherto athletic energy has been to
a great extent, concentrated in football and
baseball. We have some men iu other
branches f athletics who will make records
for the University if they only have the
training and attention. The sophomores and
the freshmen have arranged for a track meet
on October loth. This is mainly for the pur
pose of getting out the new men. We have
lots of fellows in the University who would
make splendid athletes. They could be an
honor to the school and be honored by it.
Doane has written to the association asking
for a track meet. If this is arranged the
Freshmen-Sophomore meet may not come oil'.
Doane has already been training three weeks
and will no doubt furnish some warm sport
for the University bovs.
The Athletic Assn. is culled to meet in the
Chapel tomorrow at i):00 a. in. The legality
of last Saturday's election will be considered.
Should the election b.' held own it is gener
ally believed that a "straight barbarian"
ticket will be nominated bv the society men.
(iiiard Pears received a scwiv injury Tues
day evening. A new tackle was being tried
and Pearse received a blow which rendered
him unconscious for some time.
Buy your stationary at the Co-operative
Book Store.
Miss Neta Bunting is visiting her Univer
sity friends this week.
A. W. Wchn, a new student from Beatrice,
is employed us cornet ist at St. Paul's M. E.
Will Hay ward Law U.H, has agiiu
entered the University and will try for a place
on the football team.
A. L. Shearrcr, a form r stttibnt. has re
turned to the University after spending two
years among the mountains of Colorado.
S. W. Pinkerton and C. L. Spencer have
severed their connection with the co-op, J.,
F. Boomer and Joe Horn have taken their
(ieo. Kindlcr. president of the senior class,
returned to the University Saturday, after
having spent his vacation playing ball with
the Topcka team iu the Kansas state league
and the West Point. Neb. team.
It appears that it will be very diHioult for
anyone to escape drill this year. A list of
all those who have not registered for drill has
been posted (n the bulletin board ami they
are requested to go to the armory and do so
at once.