The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 01, 1897, Page 14, Image 14

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The Pennant is assured.
Stand up for tlu Vui.
Baker has returned.
We're bound to win 'the pennant now
I nee it in the air
I hear it whispered by the breeze
I feel it everywhere.
We'll teach the .Jay Hawks and 1, V.
Whey don't know where they're at
With Barber on the grand stand
And Caldwell at the bat.
Bryan and ."John Maguire attended the Ir
rigation Congress Wednesday.
Wanted: About seventy-five first rate de
baters to register for the preliminary debates.
Among these seventy-five debaters, are three,
who are to have the honor of beating as many
lv. U. men in our next annual intor-collegiate
joint debate. Do you wish to be one of the
three? Yes? Then give your name to Ilawxby
and Stand up for the Uni.
We've got them faded now, hoys
A decent grave we'll fix
And lay the "TCock Chalks" low, hoys
As we did in ninety six.
The campus shows a thrilling sight
The girlR are spellbound with delight
Oil vanity beyond my might!
When Ivring sets up the band.
The air is rent with fearful shouts
The "De'il would lose his whereabouts
I'o see Kring drill the hand.
'Yes sir." exelaiiuel (). W. Meir. in a
burst of eloquence that was fit to shake down
the 'likeness of Chas. Sumner from the wall,
and call forth a fervent "amen" from the
elderly lady in the rear of the class. ,The
states always hovered under the wings of the
Mr. Ellsworth has made extensive arrange
ments with the irrigation Congress for re
claiming vast tracts of arid land about the
campus. The areas will be devoted to the
culture of bench-work and Senior orations.
The machinery is already on the ground and
operation will he begun in a few days.
urc.iACivT "emvATic hnthiummsi:" sore noii:.
Alas! 'tis gone, no odors rise
To tell of gastric dissipation.
Cur Soup House, dishes, odors, flies
Are lost in general renovation.
So when the hour of noon draws nigh
And "with cold sandwiohes I strive,
1 long again, excuse "my sigh.
For big hot doughnuts two for five.
And for that broad-gage pumpkin pie,
And oyster sou), my sakes alive!
Then sometimes when I feel real rash
I pine for "resurrection" hash.
Sing, Muse, again with loudest din
Our ''Hygienic" soup-house fads,
With Everett's "josh" and Mnnley's "chin"
And "Riley boarding out his ''ads."
"De.Loss T. Smith sells and repairs watches
jewelry, etc. 1140 O St.
Scott & Shannon, tonsorial artists. S. E.
corner 12th & () sts. dive us a call.
Single meals lo cents. Meal tickets 82. "0.
ttegnlar board 2.25 per week at 1200 T St.
AVesterfield has not moved. Tie is Still n't
117 X l.'tth St. and is giving the latent Stymie
in hair cuts.
We do not break collars: they are turned
by hand. The Best 'Laundry. 2240 '() stu-eel.
'Pel. 571).
Student's Club. Best table hoard 82.2.r.
Special rates on nicely furnished rooms, ifur
uace and bath. 144S I st. Mrs. M. E. .Toyee.
Wo, arc selling lots of Faun tain Fens, in
fa at wp have sniff out same tines com pi el el y,
re have had up hill work' to bring before
the students of the University Jhr fa at that
we are, find have bee it selling goods fit low
er trices than amj other concern in the
West. If you want Fountain Fens, History
(lovers, 'History Fa.per, Theme, A''ote
Hook's, Dictionaries, and all other sntpfries
tve of in ft catmint od ate, put as well as save
you money. Hook Dept Herpolshei mer
Is (
Oouncl aiul set at 118 So. l.fli street.
Charges Reasonable,
Work Guaranteed.