The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 01, 1897, Page 12, Image 12

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Colleg-e Settlement Report.
A mass mseting of the students was held in
the chapel Tuesday morning, in the interest
of college settlement work. Joseph Boomer
was elected chairman of the meeting.
Mr. Boomer presented Miss Whiting, who
read a very interesting paper on the purpose
history and progress of settlement work, es
pecially in our own city. She explained tho
motto given by Prof. Hodginan, "For human
ity and our students" as very fitting of their
aims. She showed how tho workers in tho
University had struggled from a very small
beginning; what they arc now doing; and
what they propose- to do.
Prof. Fossler, tho treasurer, was introduced
to make his report. In connection with his
report he made an earnest plea to the students
that they put their shoulders to tho wheel aud
help promote this work. He gave an item
ized report, showing exactly how, and from
what source the money came. Total amount
received, $144.87; total expenditures, $140.84;
balance cash on hand $4.03. The Prof, stated
that the association needs at least $170.00 to
carry on the work properly. Profs. Sweozy,
Hodginan and Fosler were the members of
the faculty elected for members of the board
of control. There were also four members
eb'cted from the student body. They wore
Misses Whiting and Dinsmore, Messrs Hawx
by and ICuhhnan.
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