The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 01, 1897, Page 10, Image 10

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    T11K : iriOSPFlUAN
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!. W. Uoodnor M)7, Phi Doltn Phi, is prno
ticinlat,,Ii?orr. Smith Dakota. Chus. Mou
sed "'Ot,' is Deputy County Treasurer of
.Frontier Co. M. F. Mnnvillo M)7, Phi Delta
Phi, is touching am Indian school down in
Indian Territory. C I;. Wilson '1)7, is post
muster and the leading attorney of .Johnson.
Nob. E. 0. .1 onos '!)7 and H. C. Matthews
M)7, have formed n partnership and located at
.Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where they are
having a good practice. Bench Coleman '5)7.
is canvassing for a hook up in Minnesota.
Peach was a Phi J)elta Phi und will he re
membered us u prominent factor in the Max
well club dilliculty last year. .1. D. Smith
MI7, Phi Delta Phi. has been traveling for the
II uber Manufacturing Co. this summer. It is
reported that he and (Juy Croon ".7, Phi
Delta Phi, will soon form a partnership in
the law business. D. L. Killen M)7, is super
intendunt of the .lulosburg. Colorado, schools.
A. S. White 'J)7. Phi Delta Phi. is practicing
law in South Omaha. "Sid" was missed at
the late athletic association election. .1. T.
Parker. '1)7, has a large practice at St. Paul.
Neli. W. II. Hayward'57. isback. He will
carry history work. Frank (Justin ",)7, is
buck doing academic work. II. Miller
".17 is whiling away time out in Colorado.
N. 11. (iroonliold '!)7. is practicing at Lexing
ton. II. !. Saekett MIS, has been here since
t he middle of September. I le says he ;s ready
for hard work. .1. I). Denison 'Si, spent
part of his vacation making Sunday school
and free silver speeches. (J. F. Policy MIS. is
in the employe of the Armstrong Clothing
Co.'- He is proving a popular clerk. ). W.
Helden 'ilS. who had to leave the University
last spring on account of sickness, will be
hack to finish. F. F. Warner 'J7 has visited
various states this summer, going as far cast
as Michigan, lie will take a special course
in the I'niversity the coming year. F. F.
Placck i7. has spent the summer collecting
and writing insurance. F. D. Jones 'i)S will
skip a your und do work on u special course
in the- I'ni. .). II. Kemp '!S, will finish
his law this year. "Huron" Stentevillc ''.IS.
will "wield the birch" ut Champion for a
change. Warlield 'J)S is teaching until after
Look at our Window Display,
election, and maybe longer. It depends on
results. Unkefer 'ON, is reported as not
among the returned ones H. H. Daily 'OS,
has gone to the mountains with his sick
Miss Anna Fossler has gone to the Uni
versity of Illinois to accept a position there
as assistant librarian.
The class of ".Ml mot Thursday and elected
the following oHicors: Kd. Cramb, president:
Miss Hr "u. vice-president: Miss Pentzer.
secretary: S. Smoyer, treasurer.
AlllOlljr 1 ll ilMIiM.
Miss Clara Hammond entertained Kappa
Kappa tJamina last Friday afternoon.
The PJii Kappa Psi fraternity enjoyed an
oyster supper last Friduy evening.
Delta (iamiua enjoyed a trolley ride Wed
nesday evening. Miss Slaughter furnished
the ear.
The members of Kappa Alpha Theta wore
given a delightful dinner lust week by Miss
Arthur Ponrse, Puul Weeks. Curl Frikie
and Chapin were initiated into the mysteries
of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity last Saturday
The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity has its chap
ter house ut 1 (i.'lO (J street. Sixteen members
of the frutornity make their horn in the
chapter house. They have a matron and
take meals in the house.
C. S. Norton '07 Phi Kuppu Psi, u toucher
in the Ashluud schools, will visit his fruter
uitv brothers over Sunduv.
Delta (liiinii)ii will give u purty next Sutur
duy ovoniugnt tin home of Miss Helen Welsh.
JUth und Wnshingtou streets.
IS ji ( I ill lion l'romot Ioiim.
Captains C. W. Weeks. S. A. While. 1. W. Itit.
soil, 15. A. True; First Lieut, and Alj.. S V. Ii.;k
erloit; Quarter Muster, U. V. Hedges; First Lieuis ,
II. H. Noyes, T. ' Keddy.K. H. Morrison. C. Ilumly
K (J. Wene L. J. Helium, i. II. Duvies. A. A.
IliscliofV: anil Liciits.,.). ('. I lit fit inn n. ('. It. U-.lil.ins.
(J .1. Lynn. II. S.KvniiH. .I.ltoliiuiiii, C.W.Tnylnr. W.
II Lehmini. K. 1 ). Ba tiri a rt ; Sa r-M njoc. W.ll.llaslic;
Quarter Master Sari-unl. ('. L. SlinlT, Dnini Mnj
or. K. II Kriug; 1st Sarucaut, S-hliijis, Wiiipplc.
Whcdnii, ltrnvii;Sat'icant, Sumner. Sle-ild. Mrmvn
Clclaiid, Kuhliins. Huilcll, Christie, MeCreaiy,
AyerH, Hcimrod, Kecliet, Clark. Itiih). Corby. Wil
son, IJiusr, Davidson, Caller, beans, Mouse, Kind,
Kiting, Miles, Hedgeeoek. Smoyer; Color Sargoaut,
K. F. Turner; 2nd Color Sargcaui, A. K. (Siirrhigcr.
History paper, ruled or plain oo per 100
Hook Herpolahtiiiner (Jo.
Sanderson, Schureman & Davis