The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, September 24, 1897, Page 9, Image 9

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Tlio OuMoolv.
Students liavi been unusually slow in ivjjj
istering this ycstr. Jt is therefore difficult to
estimate the probable attendencc. From the
present outlook, however, it would seem that
Point military academy with the class of S.'.
and has heen in the regular army for nearly
sixteen years. Leaving West Point Lieut.
.Jackson was assigned to service in Kansas
with headquarters at Ft. Riley. After a few
the attendance this vear is almost certain to .V service in Kansas and Indian Territory,
be by far the largest in the history of the uni
versity. As the 1Ii-:siM-:itiA. goes to press less
than twelve hundred students have registered.
Hut the unusually large number here, who
have not registered, the usual number of tardy
ones,sind the law students will swell the num
ber to seventeen or eighteen hundred.
Fortunately we are equipped tonccinnadale
this increased number. While our corps of
instructors has not been greatly increased, it
has been materially strengthened. With a
possible exception, where good men were dis
missed, better ones were secured. Not only
is our faculty stronger than it ever has been,
but provision is to be made for more room
and better equipments. Work on the Me
chanies Art building is to be pushed, hud
when this building is completed and equipped
it will materially add to the accommodations
for students of the Industrial college.
The university has this year more students,
Mr. .Jackson was transferred to West Point
as instructor in mathematics. After four
years as an instructor in mat hematic.; he re
turned to the west to rejoin his regiment.
Since his return to the west he has seen con
siderable active service; in the troubles with
the Indians and cattlemen in Dakota. Wyom
ing and Idaho.
Lieut. .Jackson is a military man from the
very beginning. He has a strong personality
and a spk'iulid military hearing. Personally,
he has more good nature and fellowship about
him than military men are generally given
credit for having.
To si IlivSi'KKiAX representative Lieut, .lack
son said that he was nimble to tell just how
soon the promotions would be announced, its
he did not take command until Oct. 1. and
the organization would be eHecled by Cap
tain (Juilfoyle. As yet Lieut. .Jackson has
decided on no particular changes in regard to
drill. Jn the main he will follow the present
a stronger faculty and better accomodations
its sphere of usefulness is larger; and so far as g;m'iiil rules of the department.
results sire concerned, there is every reason to
believe that this year will surpass any pre
vious year.
V. M. C. A. ltMM ion.
The Mililui'.v DeparliiKMii.
The V. M. C. A. reception held in Delian
hall last Sat unlay evening, wsis largely at
tended. About 'S::i0 Mr. It. W. Thatcher
The number of cadets will probably be con- iixU H" .' u l',,(' "' nounccd that
siderably larger than last year. .Just now, Hh'i-o would be a few short speeches. Mr.
military interest centers in' the promotions. I- ,,unt m'i(!,,.Y told of the trip to ami visit
The time when the promotions will bean- Lake (Jcneva. Mr. W. .J. Hunting then
spoke of the work of the evangelistic bands.
After this Prof. C. 10. Condrsi urged all to sup
port the "Circular Letter." Following these
talks was something in which all could par
lake. It was sin "apple social" and the way
preps, seniors stud profs, found the bottom of
thsit barrel surprised even Kring. Jt wsis si
pleasant evening for all; the new students
w'tc made to feel at home and (he old stu-
Captain (iuilfoyle's resignation does not iuntH WCre made happy in extending to the
take effect until Oct. 1. Then Lieut. A. H. mjw students the hand of Christian fellowship.
Jackson of the Ninth Cavalry, U. S. A. will
sissume command of the "University cadets. Ohas, Weeks wsis culled to Wyoming this
Lieutenant Jackson grsiduatcd from West week by the death of his sister.
nounced is now unknown. They cannot pos
sibly be announced before Captain (Juilfoyle
returns sm the :r.v commandant will have to
rely largely on the ciptsiin's recommendations
in deciding on promotions. Captain (Juilfoyle
will likely returi) early next week though
this is not positively known.
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