The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, September 24, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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WorU or.'iiiU
Mr. F. W. Fuurot, a popular member of
the class of '!7, committed matrimony this
Hummer. The other heart made happy was
that of Miss Charlotte Burrows. Both elaim
Rising City as their home. They have the
congratulations of a large circle of friends.
Tin Chmieellor'H WilMuit.
Iast Saturday morning the students were
formally welcomed to the university, when
the Chancellor gave his annual opening ad
dress. In a few well chosen remarks the
Chancellor welcomed the students on behalf
of the members of the faculty and then gave
some advice as to the conduct of all students.
He urged upon all the fulfilment of the bond
which binds us together as an institution, the
bond of honor. Honor is the watch word of
the university, the motto of every student.
He urged loyalty to our University, to our
professors and to our work.
The change in the order of chapel exercises
is most acceptable, and makes them much
more attractive and impressive than they
were ever before. As usual the students gave
vent to their enthusiasm by clapping as the
different members of the faculty entered at
the new stage entrance. The exercises were
closed with the college yell, given with a
spirit characteristic of the Nebraska students.
Hvarl 1'oHtiii": uiicloi.,ull'vll I
A certain university publication which, but
last year, aspired to be the "official organ"
of the university, announced last week that
Prof. Howard was here to take post work in
American history under Prof. Caldwell. We
do not give the following solely for the bene
fit of the staflT of that paper, for it is possible
it will be of interest to preparatory students
snd wiinc of our ea tfern exchanges.
Prof. Howard graduated from the Peru state
normal with the class of "71. He entered the
University in 1872 and graduated in 187(5.
He went to Europe and studied at Munich
university for two years. He returned to
America in 1878 and began teaching history
here in the university. In 1891 he was called
to the head of the history department in Ice
land Stanford university. He, is now away
from there on leave of absence. Leland Stan
ford has a systein that every seven years it
professor may retire oite year on half pay,
provided he study. Prof; Howard is writing
a book of two volumes on the. "History of
Marriage." He will use the library here for
a while, then he will go to the congressional
library at Washington D. C. and also to the
Harvard university library.
Two hundred and eighty students have
registered for drill. Of this number one hun
dred and fifty are new recruits.
A formal meeting of the Pershing Rifles will
not be called until the. organization of the
Batalion has been completed.
Lieut. Jackson has obtained a list of all
students who have neglected to register for
drill and will report them to the proper au
thorities. Students will not be excused except
for good reasons. Some students invent triv
ial excuses in order to avoid drilling. This
is an injustice to the men who drill and will
not be tolerated by the new commandant.
The number of old men registered in the
different companies are in the order B. A. C.
D. or the same order as they ranked in the
Competitive drill.
Student's Club. Best table board 2.25.
Special rates on nicely furnished rooms, fur
nace and bath. 1-148 P st. Mrs. M. L. Jovce.
I$ixly S?1ik Ovor.
The Chancellor has shown artistic skill
About the new chapel doorj
Deep red. emerald green, blue and gold
Cover the soiled walls o'er;
tJlittering colors meet the eye
Yet some the beauties will not share
For iu all this great display of paint
They find no silver there.
Full line of tablets and history covers at
the Cooperative Book Co.
A new news stand at Leightons, 1 123 O st.
where you will find all the leading Daily and
Weekly Papers. Monthly and Quarterly
Magazines, etc As the store remains closed
on Sunday, no Sunday papers will be sold.
The central location makes it convenient for
all to will. They have the lest stock of sta
tionary and school supplies in the city.
Buy your Shoes at the Poofc 'Form. Store, 1213 O Street.