The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, September 24, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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    T- .fcV. "1
Miss Grace Rusliton, n forinor student, is
again With us.
Miss Myrtle AVhoo'lor, Mtfi, was a Uni. visi
tOr last week.
Mr. 0. "W. Taylor has not boon working in
the mines, but has been on the mill force at
Lead Oily, lie will return in October to
complete his work with the class of '11$.
Ohas Kuhlmau is tutoring a class in Pro-
Miss Etta Gray "(15. is taking a much need- para tory European History. The class Will
od rest this year.
Dr. Shuemakcr SS, attended 'Oh a poll 'exer
cises Tuesday morning.
Mr. Andrews, Civil Engeering Class of ?0S.
lias returned to complete his work.
Pete Lau will take charge of his 'father's
business and study junior law.
Miss Elva Dempster will continue her work
in the Dundee 111. High School.
"Rev. T. 15. Ohappell, )! has charge of 'the
Unitarian church at llolyoke, Mass.
Mr. "WilllTehzmanand Mr. E. A. 'Booshum
joined "Union Society last Friday night.
The course in municipal government will
be given the first instead of the, second semes
t or.
Miss Mary Home, 'IM5, now Cataloguer of
a Library in Chicago, spent her vacation 'ir.
meet on Monday, "Wednesday, and Friday
and will complete all work necessary to enter
European History 1.
Many students have expressed regret be
cause Miss "Whiting will not instruct in Eng
lish Literature VI this semester. Her 'time
is entirely taken up with four 'classes of
English Literature V.
Prof. Barbour, who has been surveying out
in the western part of the state, lias just ire
turned to the university. He began his work
for the year Thursday conducting
the first year Geology classes,
Everyone interested in athletics should re
member that the athletic association will
meet iu the chapel Saturday, September 'J.r.
at 0:00 a. m. to transact important business,
including the election of officers.
It is generally supposed that the university '
professors could be readily recognized by their
rJl. P. Schwab, a Htudent of last year, 'has massive heads and learned brows. Yet lit
gone to Dixon, Til., to study in the business seems that the head of a certain dopartmnnt
College. feared that some one might take him 'for 'a
Miss (DraSooly, who'taughtin 'the Nebraska freshman or some similar unworthy iporson-
'City schools last voar, has resumed work in aS0 Al anv mt0 ,,e trotted around in tbo
the university.
The Epworth League of St. Paul's (ihurch
gave a reception Tuesday evening to the ritu
dentH of the University.
Prof. Lyons has been in 'Omaha for theipatft
week arranging and superintending the Htate
fair exhibit of the state farm.
Numerous friends,and especially all Unions,
will be glad t ) welcome Miss Maud Trip'lOtt,
when she returns to Lincoln next month.
Miss Grace Broady, '1)7 is teaching at D
armory Tuesday with his name written 'in
full on the back of his collar.
C'oni met Miin( ! l-l-(
To a IIicsi-kuian representative Prof. PJo'h
ards said that the contract for the erection of
the Mechanics Art building would have to be
re-let. It seems that all bidders with one 'ex
cept ion were from $2,000 to 5,000 too Hugh.
Tne contract for the erection of this building
was let to this bidder. He, being a more or
less irresponsible contractor, concluded to
throw Hi) the thine- us a, bad Job. Tin mivn
Witt, Nebr. She is assistant Principal and cheek for the SIJ00 forfeit but the cheoTc-islbe-S.
II. Martin, '115 continues his work as Prin- ijCVed to be worthless.
'Carl Burnham is attending the Berkley
University of California, where he will grad
uate this year. Ho was a sophomore 'here
last year.
The university will now have tore-advertise
for bids and re-let the contract. Thif,
will delay the erection of the building and
considerably discommode Prof, TtfolumPs de
partment work.
Ladies Nice Brass Shoes all the New Styles $3, 1313 O Street.