( TNK : flTESPKRIAN m (Ik iiiliioii. .ger Oury, if you please. It ceded that Captain Shcdd is in the right place. Wiggins . old plaee at Kight end. Coach . expected back some time next .lore is still some hopes that Peerless arpe will be in the game. Turner i week he wouldn't be in the game, eek he said he didn't know. Next he has agreed to don a uniform and the boys a fiing. or two about the game, fansen will be a stronger man on the team .is year than he was last. He is gingering .p and rapidly losing his slowness and awk wardness. Hansen is sure to be one of the great football players of the west this year Benedict, Shcdd and J'earse will hold down their old positions. These three with Wig gins, Turner and Hansen make six old men back on the team. Besides Orlie Thorpe or Harry .Jones may show up later. Cowgill, last year a substitute, is showing up well. He will bo a strong candidate for Quarter. String er is almost certain to get a place on the team He is quick, well built and heavy. Last year he played on the Beatrice high school team Swart', and Hart are doing work. Swart, is a trifle light "Yes," Said Manager Oury to a Hksi'KUIAN representative, "Coach Robinson will be back. We expect him back next week. "This, '.'added the hot manager, "means much to the M)7 foot ball team. Coach Knhinson was here last year and-he knows the team and its needs better than any one else." Kev. Dunning will address the Y. M. 0. A. Sunday afternoon. The Chancellor will receive members of the faculty to-morrow evening at his home. .J oh. Sargent will not be back for a mouth. He is at Montello, Wisconsin working with a surveying party. The joint reception of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. was well attended and a decided success. Tin evening was spent in a good social chat and getting acquainted. A. S. Harding who took his degree of A. M. in American History last year now holds a position in Brookings S. I) as associate pro fessor in history and political science. The annual opening faculty recital of the university school of music was given Wed nesday evening by Mrs. Will Owen .Jones, '.Miss 'Marion Treat and the Hagonows, The chapel was tilled and the numbers of Mrs, .'Jones and Miss Treat enthusiaHtieally received.,. Students if you want your shoes made to order, or if von want vour shoes repaired, go to. I. II. Pet'tit, HMO St. All work guaran teed. Tim UiUvurtfili. the only embossed tablet with the University of Nebraska letter head to be had onlv at Herpolsheimer & "Co's. Book Bep't. The latest Street Car Time Table, free at (Jardners Tailor Shop. Will make a suitor a pair of pants almost as cheap as ready made. Suits pressed 50c, pants 15c, cleaning and re pairing at lowest prices. Cor. J 1th and 0 St. Work in the school of line arts will be con tinued this year by the university afliliated school of art under the auspices of the Haydon Art Club. Mrs. N. S. Harwood is president of this club. Miss Cora Parker will continue to conduct the work. Misses Brock and Lip pincott will assist her. Oo You 14nf '? If you do come where you can get the best 82.25 student board; where you donl have "to wail for a place; where the best attention is paid to boarders. Mrs. lloyker proprietor. Mumford & Saekett managers. The Albion Cafe. 425 X 10 st. Reoanembei that Ohurles B. Gregory soils the host coal for students rit the Lowest Prices in the city,, deliveries made promptly. Chas. B. Gregory TJ.'diSN. '01, dealer in coal, coko, wood',. Office 1100 0 St. Phono 843. Yards 14 and Y. Phone 4S8 ft iflL ffl ) may squirm, pull, push or strugglo, but some collars will not fit some shirts. Our shirts and collars fit. Lot us show you some. Call and sw us anyway. capital smarm) A. KUUNBU, Leading Shlrtmuker tttnl Furu iiher- t:0 ! &iiot.