The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, September 17, 1897, Image 17
Mi I Sf 3 t-ujis-ims Our Wcn-k is Right. Our Solicitor Will Call on You, BE SURE to have the Clarkson Laundry Co. Telephone 270. 1043 O Street, Do Your Work. 330-332-334-336-338 So. 11th St. STl'DKNTS: Wo want your patronage in footwear. We carry a very large stock and can fit ami please you and our prices are low. WEBSTEB & KOGEES LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. J -- M- -M-V--4. -26-4-.S.. k 0. &. . .y. .v iy AETNA Bicycles for $35 f; Are the talk of the town The Aetna has proved its superiority over nllothor medium grade wheels Five out of seven messengers at the Western Union Telegraph Go. ride Aetnas, mid they ride all the time. Wo are closing out "World" "Canton" and "Matchless" Bicycles n6 so. i3thst E. R. MORRISON, Lincoln "Neb. '7':'r'frTTF't7 K t u K