The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, September 17, 1897, Page 15, Image 15

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Wlmt Mie Pro I'm. lil.
Miss Conklin visited in Indianapolis.
Prof, and Mrs. Burnett spent the summer
in Colorado.
Prof. Thurlicr spent the summer in X. Y.
With his family.
Prof. Fosler spent his vacation in Lincoln
studying and reading proof.
Prof. Avery taught chemistry in the sum
mer school and then got married.
Prof. Davis rested the first few weeks and
then took a hunting trip to Yellow Stone
Miss Bouton did some special work in
chemistry and then took an outing in "Wyoming.
Chancellor MacLean spent the first four
weeks working at the university. The fol
lowing week he went to Long Island and
thence to Berkshire Massachusetts. At th'e
meeting of the National Educators association
held in Milwaukee he read a paper entitled
'The Practical Value of College Education."
Later he was at the Agricultural and Experir
ment station in Minnesota and wa-; appointed
secretary of a commit lee of ''Graduate Study"
at "Washington.
Prof. Caldwell was about the busiest man
on the faculty. The first four weeks he taught
in the summer school. He then spent four
weeks in Chicago and attended the National
Teachers' Association at Milwaukee, where
he read a paper before the association, and
Prof. Edgren taught French in the summer aj80 g,lvc an address before the mid-summer
school and took a two weeks outing in Cali
Dr. Luesj took a wheel trip to Illinois and
then spent the rest of his vacation preparing
work for this year.
Mrs. Manning studied several weeks in
New York and Hoston and spent the rest of
her vacation at the coast.
Prof. Candy studied for six weeks at Chi-
school. Returning to Nebraska he taught in
the institutes in Howard and Fr.v.iklin coun
ties. It would be difficult to find a man
more popular with Nebraska teachers than is
Prof. Caldwell, and wherever he goes he wins
many friends for the university.
Prof. Owens spent the summer in the cast
visiting all the principal cities and electrical
schools in the interest of the electrical section
cago University, and enjoyed a well earned ()r tju. Trans-Mississippi Exposition. "While in
rest the remainder of the time. (,c (,aHt ho read a paper before the "American
Miss Barr gave special instruction in gym- lnHtitutc of Electrical Engineers," which met
nasium work to the teachers in the summer in Maine, and also one before the "Society for
school and then took an outing in Colorado, the Promotion of Engineering Education."
,W. H,,Ty rt UK, r in ,, - ?? &
study in the Washburn Astronomical observ- t)(, inu,mK,ncnt of the Electrical System of
atory at Madison University, Madison Wis- ij0 exposition, and reports good success in his
cousin. work thus far. The work of Prof. Owens
Prof. Lucky aUended the National Teach- will bring our electrical department before
one and a hall months lecturing
county institutes in Nebraska.
Prof. Nicholson, with a surveying party
spent the vacation making a survey of the
western dope of the Big Horn Mountains. He
reports a most pleasant vacation.
Prof. Bessey spent the first four weeks as
head'of the summer school. In August ho
attended the American Association for the
Advancement of Science and also the British
Association, both at Toronto. He read pa
pers before these meetings on special kuIuii-
. ' . ,. . : i r i. i . the ueoole in a wav that will reflect honor
jrH Association visited ,n Ind.unn and spent Xlwnlity of Nebraska,
anc awl a half months lecturing before the .' .
Patroniac U. of N. Alntiiiti.
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deliveries made promptly anywhere at
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