The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, September 17, 1897, Page 10, Image 10

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-Ailtiiiiiii !X'o't'CH. lao'ojvl ivmt Pornonal
Miss May Hopper '9'5, -wilK'tcadh at Hay 'Chas. Root vrill 'teach at Elkliorn, Neb.
Springs. ' Miss Shively "will teach at Elmwood 'tliis
Will Pillsbury '95 was ve-eleCtcd at Falls year.
City, "with a raise of -wages. C. M. Barr will remain at Litchfield 'an -
Miss Nollie Clark '95, Avill act as assistant other year,
principal at Wahoo, Nebr. Miss Mabel Hompstor studied French fintfhe
Miss Amy Brunei- '95, will teach in the Summer School,
grades at Wosnor, Nebr. Burt Forbes and Martha Burks will 'teach
IT. A. Son tor has boon elected 'toadhorof at Beatrice again.
Science in the Omaha 1 ligJi School. Jolin Mart- vrill 'teach school in 'tliocountry
Miss .tun Sinails '95, may 'bo 'found at near Liberty.
Syracuse, whore sho is Assistant Principal 'in
the H. S.
A. M. Troyer '91, will have charge of the
department of agricultural school at Mobile,
Messrs McGufty and McOlure of the class of
'95, spent tho suminor at the IT. of N. taking
"post" work in Prep. Chemistry.
1). W. Searson spent most of the sum.morin
institute and summor normal -work. Ho
taught eight weeks at Grand Island and two
at Edgar.
R. C. Bjntloy and wife '95, have moved to
California. Mr. Bentley has secured 'thoipo
silion as principle of a high school, with Mrs.
Bentley us assistant.
Ensley Shue has 'boon olectod to a position
in the Liberty Schools.
Mr. W. ,T. Hunting spent the greater ipart
of his vacation editing a farm near Arapahoe.
C W. Taylor spent tho greater ipart of Ins
vacation 'prospecting" in 'the Black Hills
S. W. Pinkorton spout the 'first six wodks
ofliis vacation making up Frondh; 'tlioHas't
six on 'the state farm.
E. A. and W. H. Moore superintended :an
Towa farm, not as a financial adventure, 'but
merely for recreation.
Several Palladiaus "surprised" 'their 'friend
and former president, Mjss Helena Redford,
G. L. Town '95, spent the summer studying ,nHl Wlnirsday evening,
at 'Chicago university. His re-election as H.O. Sutton employed tlioiflrHt Ipart 'of Ibis
principal of the high school at Junction City vacation in making up French; 't'hoHas't 'wit'h
HpsakH well for his work there. "ma," at Broken Bow.
W. J I Rhodes '9(5. has received the nom- -,, ,8 ., ymt&m
iuation lor County Sup't. on the Fusion ticket worIc, , Q Cf) s t8 ,mw Jmh ln
in Thayer County. Tno IIihi'kkian selling Matho.natieal dharts.
nun huccchh in ins ponuciti career.
Miss Louisa Pound spent the summer in
Chicago, studying English and Sanscrit at
Chicago university. 'For amusement sho
played tennis and was awarded tho champion
ship of the west.
Holm Almy sails this week for Berlin, Ger
many, whore ho will study Physics for two
years. Tlis many University friends will
-gladly welcome him, when ho returns to do
ihonorto his Alma Mater.
tor. 'Clyde Havis, -dentist, Uh 'floor tali
nrds block.
.Joel Stobbins, who showed 'his rikill 'in (mil
itary work at tho Hni. 'last year, won a'nat
ional modal at Nashville, Tenn. 'in 'individual
Mr. E. TJ. Banghart did not gooutsido'tiho
city corporation during tho whole summer.
Tie was engaged in business jpursuits 'too
numerous to mention.
A . W. Martin, iRawOO was orator riftiho
day at 'the Hordhetftor Fourth oT fluly'Gdlo
'brntion. IE. tJ. iPorrymado iihoQagloJ8orcain
at a Frontier 'Go. udldbnition. STo sorioua
'result 'in "either 'case.