T II K UKSIM'IUIAN Commencement. The baccalaureate sermon will be given in the Lansing, Sunday evening June 6, by Chancellor MacLean . Xo tickets will be issued. Seats will be reserved for Seniors aud faculty. Monday June 7, will be the lawyer's day. President J. M. Wool worth of the Ainerieau Bar Association is the com mencement orator of the law class of '97. lie will give his address in the evening at the Lansing. Mr. Wool worth is one of the leading lawyers of the west. The lawyers may congratulate themselves on king able to secure such a commence ment spea ker. On Tuesday there will be the class day (.lercises and the commencement concert in the evening. Wednesday is Alumni day. This day many former classes will have tenuous. Wednesday evening Mrs. 11. H. jlson, au alumnus of the uui veisity will deliver the alumui oration at llie Lausmg. At 2:30 Wedueseday after noon Edward Everett Hale will speak at the Lansing. There will be no tickets isned for admission to the lecture. The l'nrposeofthe Wednesday lecture is to give more people a chance to hear the distinguished speaker, than cau be ac comodated at thy Thursday evening le wre't AUP'ln Wednesday, Chancellor itaeUaii will address the joint meeting tbe alumni association. Thursday is commencement day. The encement address of Edward Ever- Hale will take place in the losing, SS1? Ii,0"1Itly at 10 ra- The SSiT1 wiu follow- l tbe eve" lKhH?"al reption wil1 bo given to toZt Hdgmtal office, 1103 O Special rates to students. Lf1 of wl nt 1100 Islto '!lei1asementof te Rich- - dpute are invited to call. .1, P. Sedgwick '. is visiting univer sity friends. Ida Heise will teach in the Nebraska City high school next year. Sadie Pyrtle returned Sunday from a short visit to Sherman, Iowa. A. W. Martin law '90, of Roehister was a university caller last week. Rachael Carr of Staplehurst came up Tuesday to remain through commence ment. President N. S. Harwood addressed the political economy club Monday night ou the "National Bank and Bank Cur rency." The English club elected the following officers for the ensuing year: president, Miss Lucy Green; vice-president, Mr. Jos. Sargent; secretary-treasurer, M5S Edith Henry. The Palladians will give a short senior program Friday night. The remainder of the evening will be spent in a good social time. It will be the last meeting of the year. When the students return to Lincolu in the fall they should remember that Bumstead & TutUe's store is the best place to buy tailor made suite and fur nishings. The P. B. D. C. elected the following officers this week: J. E. Pearson, pres ident; Mr. Sturd want vice president; W. O Ayer, secretary and H. B. Stewart, the retiring president, sergeant-at-arms. Don't Abuse Your Eyes. If 5u o .ii alLmingynu. '3 to smart ami ache ,!, stroue again. I lmv rtujltel kor what I y kconetl. Ihe ,ye ,. a l ton . l..ncr fciiflVrioi: rrcau, Jiul uill snap at last ami tlien 'Srul A :.,- i. . ' nut it l.-cellirr again. JWl vnmMmte. j s,r,i, i,i,u..- . . -. 1.7)0 O Mivel.