THE 11 KSI'KIJIAN Competitive Drill. Last Satnrday the most important event in the year's work of the cadets oppned- Competitive drill is looked forward to, not only for tlie glory of winning a prize "but also "because of extra At half past one the batallion formed nu tlie campns parade ground and the companies were inspected by the judges: Captain Genard, of the Ninth Cavalry; Lieutenant Hardin, U. S. A. and Captain I'ainpbell, N. N. G. As soon as inspec tion was over Captain Lenhoff brought 'tnj.any D forward for the test. The i'tutore were thoroughly pleased -with tun drill mid it looked as though the "Hier companies would not be "an it," "utit was nfuward ascertained that "iuh of the commands -were left 4ut. "imuy c under Captain 'Wilson pMUHXt. The hard work of Uke -captain through the year showed in iihe 'drill. Tbp smud (jha-ge (..ailed forth a burst of "PlJauRefrom the amphitheatre. Thn largest and perhaps the hardest workiug company under Captain Oury m next. Theirslup was as strong aind y as TJ. S. inlaa-s. Their drill y up well .flxcMptTi, double (time and wtovoiiet exercise. mmy B, thi.fuvoiute.oi: yearbefor-e uuder Captain Saxton drilled Oast. ! '" BtaP-WttB-rigrlii, the .captains ,com- ; oaoubtu,to nvho should bU foKolfl medal for individual Ml -was Orlo B rotn "" lhe e(M mill ,v' T0UIji Eai'gat B -won " !lvyi "eant Lyons Vut down tow T vGWe1' 'comUWC eff with iop r a'Ua C0'1(3l!l ves ini(Jhi, '"Py K -marched to U Uhlupter house for supper ,W1d after it grew dark and I he dignitaries had all made speeches the boys proceeded to paint Bs all over town and hi their wan derings visited the hotels, university buildings, the Lincoln Light Iufantry rooms and the chancellor. Compj y A held its annual banquet at the Lincoln. The boys though some what sore "were proud of the fact that the7 had taken second place. After do ing justice to the eatables a number of well chosen toasts were responded 1o by members and friends of the company. The battalion, in compluinw with or ders read by Adjt. Parraalee, vnt en mass through the streets of Lincoln and the principal hotels and soda stands of the city Monday night. It wasa "ghost M parade. The boys did not appear in or dinary military bine but every man put on the whitest shirt he could find in his room, a pair of duck fa-onsMS aad armed himself with a wooden sword. JUie band furnished their usually "'uwusualllly'" good music. No doubt a precedent has been established which wilil be eairrled ut an nually hereafter. The boys say that Rector's phosphate is .ail right. Rector refused to be interviewed. The Palladianselwied-offiiceu'S Monday afternoon. S. J. Corey, president; S. W. Pinkerton, vice president:, Jennie Farnham, residing secretary; J. Miflla J.effery, assistant -recording secretary;; H. R. Tucker, oronsuc searetary; ETJa Leonard., corresponding secretary; 11. C. Roper, critic; Bora Awuuui, historian; Misses Wheeler and Smith, sergeants iinvns; A- BE. IHIoubT- "ssistmiIjt m'Smui athai'ins. Before Ibuyiing ycrair straw hats go into Armstrong & Go' store and see ttmsflfi garnt stock. Wevcull 3nir attention itotftfie ad. oi Mr- .(Siitand & 0 wuf& um11 m, which he shows iihe superior qualities ot the Racycle. h IS