The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 28, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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    T U tt IJ IS S V E K I A N
Susquehanna. 0, i-n't that nice.
.Ws. Mm. And ho thinks Jots moreoM)aHoball
llian tiC'tlocs of the faculty
111. Girl Wo want you to run the Uni !
Teddy Typical student, now ownor of tho Uni.
Well, I like that. Who has been running, it. if' I
Enter sheriff and deputy
Sheriff fcir, I seize the ii.stilution andarresfoyou
along with the buildings, grounds, fences and tra
ditions Ttddy. Can't touch him, Bill lie's no longer
one of the traditions. I'm it now.
Sheriff What does this fellow mean?
Arting Clianc. The university has been turned
(tier into his Lands so that it cannot be seized -by
Jon, Iwilhiow retire from this Chaccllor business
Sheriff I don't care for your bluffing story. I'll
awillns broken down affair ami sell it today. Here
is my paper
Teddy (mounting his chair) Fellow student!
nrW,"?30"1" k''""3' Bmrti"Pi ! 0 Sl.OW yoil
'"J gratitude on tins lirst day of my reign I will
(Jiveyou this afternoon as a half liol&ay
Chorus tiood!
Ming Chanc Bt. .sir, yu are going too far.
vnS'lLV ,m" ll,is "'"versityy I don't
anuiiy words from ou.
his is a mistake. There will be
Ming Clmnr.
""I'alflK.hdiiy. GotllViilll. w..rk
I'H K J '(:l!,lM'Sn. If i'w venture another word
qi .V V " UI"KJ,M my grouud.
an'S , i0,.'',?-"13' -You wi" S t the Coo
u sue evt-rytlui nr von onn t !.., ...,..... 1...,
w J,etI iU,(l blm "Hciferes. Curtain.
Act II.
JiS?J ! W'le looking over papers.
H latest liviii ,:,,, 'Yen,nS l'l fll. H
fcftf heat in ! h J, - flh .mnvor8ity; college at
"fobspe nhn in es , f a" ,rra.sPnsible student
J "'"? the st mo mi)lloy rlght and eft;) Exit
miStiJ0. ak. I won't
anna. lie1)!
troilblns "Knur
lie door) &I,liii,1,cs tl,e chair and goes toward
i 11
'erb. v.' ."" iw 1. 1
Bhtrnr un ,(iS- sir!
S'. Aml'T ! yes' 8ir!
HI Ye si ".','lithoring idiot,
topofiJoadS."1'CU,,n,'jy ,Isa3 I'll blow
.Sir tally ,00k .,eP.
t)U8Ing the door
Tejhu. ,' " llul,ILy ook si en.l .
dosin n. . ' '"10 yon 82 nn P..,. .......
-b'uiuoor ---m. Auaras.ior not
Clerk They are very angry sit, and are on the
point of rebellion
m Teddy. Rebellion!! Let me address these crawl
ing reptiles. Jimmy, get tho book. I liud that
your tines exactly balance your salaries. Hring in
a stack of bricks.
1'Knter sisters.
Teddy. Why, Nellie, what a charming dress you
have on! Why. that's a new one on me!
Nellie. . Yes, its a new one on mo too!
Teddy Richard close the door.
Jiichnrd. Yes sir.
Teddy. From the out.-ido I moan.
(Exit Richard Teddy puts his arm around her,)
Susq. You must not do that,
Teddy Well, that1.- the most remarkable thing
I've beard a girl say Why not v
Susq Oh, I don't know, only it seems a little odd
Teddy. How long aieyou going to be here
Susq. About two years.
Teddy. Well you will get used to it then.
Susq. Oh, I'm getting used to everything. 1
came down hern to sue a little of life, and papa only
lets me seethe faculty.
Teddy. Well yon see sights thou.
Susq (To Teddy with whom she is aboulito elope)
No, but can't you see we aro not making the host of
our chances. Can't we skip out ? Now bore is my
plan. Suppose we two take my money and goto
New York and have a regular continuous fourth of
July. (Jo to the theatre, and tho horso show, and
Coney Island you know. I have a cou-iu ten miles
removed whom I can stay with and we can spend
part of the money anyway.
(Enter bloomer girl and catches Teddy by the
sleeve. Susquehanna stays by the window.)
1)1. Girl You aro likely to have a sky full of stars
to look at if you make love to that girl behind my
Teddy (To Susq) Well then we must be swift;
we got to leave town by tho 9;o5 train.
Enter Governor.
Governor. Well, of all the deliberately shameful
misbehavior! The acting Chancellor of the univer
sity on the lloor scrubbing Sir, I want to know
Teddy I'll let you talk to me after while.
Governor. What do jou mean, you miscreant, by
subjecting the noble and learned gentleman to such
violent manual labor? I, the governor of the state,
demand to know?
Teddy Well, you tho governor of tho stale, are
not likely to find ont.-to acting Chancellor-Now
don't get presumptuous because wo have company,
(kicking him ) . . .
Teddy f To HI. Girl who refuses him her bicycle
to skip out on. You guess not, you unginlful
wretch! When Iv'e honored you with my company
to every dance and base ball game for the last three
years, you turn agninst me now, you groveling par
asite, your monumental ingratitudo would mnlce an
ostrich hide its head. If it wasn't for the garments
of your sex I'd have you
Dr. Clyde Davis, Dentist, Richards Blk.
Boys, remember that Western eld, the
pioneer barber, gives the latest style 111
haircuts 117 N 3th.
For high polish or domestic work, try
The Best Laundry. We do not break
collars, they are turned by hand. 224.)
0 Street. Phone 57.0.
-A St