The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 21, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Til i; II ICS l' 10 K I A N
1 toby's Retreat.
Who is Hob Man lev?
Interests of Harmony" Snpremao Sunt.
Kvcn Monseigneur Devil associates with all who
"keep in line "
The next thing to solitary conlincment would be
to sentence a student to ntrend chapel.
The Siunmer sun will see me tread,
With polished agent air I'll don,
A "territory" for my bread
To sell the stereoptiean.
Now, if the Seniors would rciptcsl
The earth and sea and sky so blue,
I certainly should do my best
To give them all their wants save two;
lint never shall this heart conseut
To do away with Senior bows,
And 'Trado" Ii is only meant
To show the gloss the law allow.
ltlloKs in n.oYhit
There is a man, both quiet and bright
Who w oiks all day and half the night,
Who never makes a big hubbub
Save when he's at the l.oughridgc club
Where fifteen fair young Indies eat
Tis there he holds the highest seat.
Into each ladies' warm affection
He's worked his way with circumspection.
Oh, when those ladies fair depart
For summer months, he'll surely jug
Up h. Holiness and aches of heart,
And go to board with Mrs, Hngg.
Dlt. I.KASK l(i:i.KAKI.
I hated to see a burly 'cop'
Say ton Prof "Mi. there yon Mop!"
And most of all I do dislike
To see him swipe the good Prof's ' byke"
And hold the same
Hut bitterer than grief of mine
Are tears of flont-a-goose-egg brine
Of him who pays "one dollar" line
And costs they name.
What stacks of "Battle- Ax" immense
Are had for six "plunks" twenty cents.
The which he'll have to foreswear hence!
Or lose the game
A Summer Out hits.
IT yon want 1 tako mi outing of a fpv
weeks you elioulil nil cm! flic. ',fl,rifO
Chautauqua wliiftli will bo bolt or tliis yoar
1 lia.ii till tho. M'('fffling ones. The vorv
bst speakers have been secured as well
nstlio host musieal talent. Write lo I).
h. Whitney Beatriee, Nob., for the full
P. II D. C. -Doanc Debate.
Thedebate held in the Congregational oliiiicli
Hern members of the Philomathion literary soeict)
and friends gathered to witness the list of a scries
of joint ilcbates between that society and the Pal
ladian boys' debating club of the univetsity. The
meeting was called to order by 1) M. (liirbcr. mcc
president of the visiting olub The audience wa
favored by a number from the local mandolin clnl.
which received a hearty encore.
The. question, as stated by the chair, was K'
solved that organized strikes have been a benefit to
the laboring classes " The aflirmative was presented
by V ii Hiimui, V 0 Ayor and A. E. Henri f
the university; the negative by M S Brown, .1 K
Taylor and .J. Harms rf Doanc college.
The argument was careful critical and well pie
sentcd by both sides and was lively from start t
liuish Statistics were freely used and onic signif
icant facts were produced and su pp irted hy m-ll
cho.son examples
The audience followed the discussion with marked
interest and enjoyed the many happy hits It closed
to the satisfaction of all The visitors were liospit
ably entertained and returned Sunday iii'iniinj,'
cherishing the remembrance- of a pleasant time
The P. It. 1). C. is to be congratulated upon secnr
ing such engagements and their successful iv"
which fact places the club among the most igofoiis
organizations of the univeisity
College Men
Ik.-Iojik t (he limited and dMin'iii-lii'i l.tss
ol nun wuii trained and uilttircd minds.
lnjlong to the limited nnd diHtiuj;mhi-l !'
of jjrrai nu'i haiiiial rrcntmiis
to all alike
Hartford Bicycles, wmd ! " r,,,
mrihlns, ' $60, $50, $45. sinnffi
ImmUiiiif, m-uicenblc and nt prices within
ruwh ol everyone.
POPE MFG. CO.. Hartford, Conn.
ri-nii-i I . tr in ilit W'i'l
llrim. Ii llmi-t r -It-nlir in hIiiiwi eerv nv tmil i'"'
Semi fine 3-itiu Mump f'ir lwiiiitiiiitM liiiyilfj' '"'""t"'
ever mxiifjil; Ircc )ty fiilJlliB fin imy i,fni"" -