The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 21, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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W L Stockton 92, lias accepted a position with
llirDajtnn Traction Company of Dayton, Ohio.
Mr Baker ol the Lincoln Newspaper Union ad
dressed the class in journalism Thursday.
SiiK;rintcii(lant Brainenl and Principal Crabtree
ot Beatrice are visiting the university today.
T1;e senior play lias at last been lixed up and
prmiibes to Ik as great a success as the Sombrero.
H W. Shallower of Northwestern University was
vWtingtlie university and his friend Mr. McMichael
Lm week.
The Pau-Hellcnic dancing party comes off this
m-aing To many this i the great social event of
llie university year.
It has Ufii proposed to the executive commit tes
ftfibetmi associations to undertake the support of
iteofclyY M.C. A. secretary in Japan.
A large number of Hcatrice high school students
'c up lo attend the Lincoln-Beatrice high school
drtole which will he held at the Funke opera house
Hi ereiiitig
A number of the Y. M C. A. triangles are begin
"g to appear tl)t. ,M,y;J T,)( lriangIcs are f
Mveram MKOirvtj. three elements of our being,
'Mr Jliml nd spirit "
Ufa third ti,c the Hesi'Kiuax announces that
If uu wi,,:u,',, he Political Economy
I ' Hew, Speak on the -Continuation of the
2l'!!T'r,'nh-',,mc' c, in Journalism
Z 1 Z" "W,wl l,,e unlvewily does
llft dining the Mimriier.
Cum TW (,mpa,,y acenat
2l ''' a" w't.em As is
-iiy,S i i '; t a,,,, ,,,fc i,"-m b u-
kdatthe.1 mlgln be led to
""" Mlo j,,y t,' ,,Un"i' ,,0fcall our team by a
Kw will, m - Ka",C' " P""Hy ,,a
"'ij'".;" University was a closely
Editor ok the Hkspkiuan: Since the Junior
Annual, which has just appeared, gives no chance
of reply to those who have been attacked, I request
a little space in your paper to direct some well
meaning remarks to the Board of Editors, and es
pecially to the resident editor-in-chief. For the
general merits of the Sombrero I have nothing but
praise, for the literary skill and artistic work is a
credit to the university and the class of "OS. The
one thing, however, which T cannot commend is the
policy of making the annual an organ for its editor
in chief or some of his stall to vent their personal
spite upon those whose only fault is that they have
not pulled political wires in favor of those who
manage the annual. The very original editor-in-chief
has seen lit to represent me in the annual as
one continually asserting my opinions, opinions,
which he gravely assures you, arc "always in the
wrong." Also as a mere memory machine entirely
foreign to original ideas These attacks give me no
concern among those who know both the editor and
myself. Tliere are others, however, both here and
elsewhere who will take these things as a true rep
resentation. Tims a man who is obliged to earn his
own living may be injured by such malicious publi
cations. It may be witty and original to represent
some as devoid of brains and others as fools and un
able to tell the truth, but if such is the case I do not
aspire to originality. To retain my ability of "mem
orizing small things" is preferable. It seems to me
that a production which is supposed to represent a
class in the university should be above all person
ality of a disagreeable or malicious nature. Such
things are beneath the dignity of an institution of
learning, especially of one like the University of
Nebraska. Whether or not Mr. McKay was the
author of these petty thrums, he shows himself de
void of either good sen or appreciation of the
rights of others in letting them appear. If an an
nual cannot refrain from abuse, it had better be
kept from the press. Class harmony and college
dignity will not suffer by ignoring those of whom
you can say no good.
II. B. STBWAitr.
Don't Abuse Your Eyes.
If you go on allowing your eyes to smart and ache
and trouble you, you may never be able to make
then, strong again. I have studied the eye and I
know what I say is correct. The eye to a pat iei. ,
long suffering organ, but will snap at last ami then
all the oculiMs and opticians in the world cannot
put it together again. Don't procrastinate. Anj
irritation whatever about the eye means something.
Come and liml oiil Examination free
E. S. K1NJ, KefraclingOptieiftH.
1800O Street.
TonunkornoMonunkt' That is the , on.