The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 14, 1897, Page 9, Image 9

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Final Examinations.
Mi Smith the Registrar kindly furnishes The
Hemxihax with the following schedule for examin
ations UYdofcJay May 2(5, S to 10 A. M. All classes
iD(MivNvns rtviting at S oVloek except one hour,
two hour and three hour classes, reciting on any
u two or all of the days Tues., Thurs an I
bat 10:20 A. M. in 12:20 P. M. All classes and
dwicus m-iting at 9 o'clock except one hour, two
hour or tin eo hour elates, reciting on any one, two
orallof the days Tues., Thurs. and Sat. 2 to 4 P.
M All one hour, two hour and three hour ulasses
renting at 8 o'clock on any one, two or all of the
dij,Tiies., Thurs and Sat. 4:IU to 6 P. M. All
dawonsof English G in No. 27.
TLurvlay May 27, 8 to 10 A. M. All classes and
dnwms raiting at 10:20 A. M. except one hour,
i-hour and three hour classes, reciting on any
"W toor all of the tlajs. Tues , Thurs., and Sat.
i03 A M to 12:20 P. M. All one hour, two hour ami
l" imur classes i eciting at 9A M. onany one, two
w all .. ibe dajs, Tues., Thurs. aud Sat. 2 -1 P. M .
AU classes, and divisions reciting at 2 P. M. except
""roue tour, two hour and three hour classes, re
Jungon any one, two or all of the days, Tues.,
ftnr. Mli SaL 4.10 to 0 P. M All one hour, two
taWMiIilim. hour classes, reciting at 2 P. M. on
3M-..r all of ihe days, Tues , Thurs. and
Fndaj May 23. 8 to lu A. M. All classes and di-I'-sieaiiugat
11:20 A. M except one hour, two
SoralS0 H0l,r vi"S(' wcWnuon any one,
aK V'T' Sat 10:20
tli..nrdki:. L A:l,M" i,m'' jwo hour ami
rtMUiu. ...:.i. 7'.." '.'" " ,u:-,A i. ou
tiV M aii V im U:l)1"' "'' and Sat.
M n.1 J" ,c,s,ss"i divisions reciting at 3 P.
H K?2n III ,,,,r' ,w" ,'"",: three lur classes
ugonauyoiuMivo or all of ti, ,t.v -rw
ii.. .
"ui arm s-. .i,.. ,. .. . . -.", ..3.,
l"iraod iC I, , ' H AU tt """. lwo
.uooiall of the days Tues., Thurs. and
4ViVl0pV- AviTn"
"urorthS...1.:::,? l M 0u "our,
A 31 io i-Jo I- v '!!'s ' Imi's Sat. 10:20
""wlionrdM.c,..',. ,AU " ,,mir. two hour aud
'W;!1"11 5!".'' Jat 2 to 4 p. m. All
a", or In, ,7' ,,,I,r eW "-' "K "
4 io fa 6 i li'n ,,il3S', T,,&s Thu w., and
wtourtW- i." OIIe ,lour' two hour and
Ttiewi... 's' lm's "'. and Sat
lUfuU,. i... . " "
Wp.ft-'""'!. 8 to 10a.
'. All one hour, two
"""-"lay and jVi.i.... "tlf . ' ltl- Aioimuy,
"f auJ "tbS lf Vr wMlay aud Friday
?BrtP?hf ,' t r,,r,a THiirMV an!
'Hdau Ul13 a'"' lrlay, or any one of
Union Resolutions.
Wiikkkas, It has pleased our all-wise and mcrci
ful Heavenly Father to call to their everlasting rest
both Mrs. Harriet Curtiss Shepherd and Mrs.T. .1.
Curtiss, the beloved sister and the dear mother of
one of our most esteemed members: therefore be it
Kksoi.vei, That we, the members of the Union
Society of the University of Nebraska, extend to our
clear sister and to the relatives of the deceased, our
most heart-felt sympathy hi this sad hour of bei cave
ment. Ami be it further,
Resolved, that copies of these resolutions be fur
nished the college and city press.
Committee: (J E. Hackii, Jennie E. Guile,
Mahel B. Dempster, Nokman Siikeve.
Base Ball Team Starts East.
The base ball team started on its eastern trip yes
terday in good spirits. The boys expect to have a
good time and play some good ball before they re
turn. The following is a list of the men who were
picked out: Coach Robinson, Pace, Packard, Friel,
Benedict, Kindler, Wells, Gordon, Creigh, Recder
and Cowgill. Rug Riley of the Sperling Echo, ac
companied the boys. The He.-pekian will give a
full account of the boys success next week.
A University Man.
The above does not meaii that this man has been
attending the university but it means that he is
selliug books anil stationery cheaper than any other
book store in town. This man K Mr O- P. Mahony,
pioprietor of the book department in llerpolsheim
er t Co.'s store. He has given students the lowest
possible rates on dictionaries, French, Latin and
German as well as on other text books. He now
comes forth with a university tablet which excels
anything of the kiud ever gotten up. On the corner
of the tablet are words "The University" hand-ornery
embossed and each leaf contains thu ame em
bossment. These tablets are of all sizes. He also
has all sizes of envelopes to go with them. Just
look at his low price-,. Von can get the pocket note
tablet for 33 cents, ruled or plain; the commercial
note, 20 cents; the letter, 30 cents. The envelopes
will cost you 20 cents per package alone but if
bought with a tablet 5 runU reduction is given. If
you want something buy one of the-e tablets.
Don't Abuse your Eyes.
Gentleman customer: "I am quite -me I io not
need glasses, yet please examiue my eyrs."
I did so. He had astigmatism. Right y "l
nearly all the work. He wa, taking fearul chances.
Neglect means troubles for old age. Examination
free. My "Prisoptomctor" is superior to all oUier
methodsof testing eyes. Call and see me.
E. S. KING, Kefracting Optician.
180J O Street.
Keene Abbott, wlioTnii had such a siege will) i ty
phoid fever, was greeting his fricmU at the Urn--i-il
ihi- wi't-U