'n rurc 11 lcs i' & i a n flinncellor Snow read the decision, IVo judges decide for Kansas mid one fur Nebraska." Nebraska sympathizers, that means i lie debaters, were of 0011180 surprised. It is said that the partisan niiiiK'iii'c ami even the Kansas students wiv surprised. The Judges voting for Kauris ;vro President Boyd of Oklaho ma university and President McAfee of l'ark College. Both are ex-preachers and of course the louder the eagle screams tin.1 better, so the Jayhawkers had every thing coming their way. This and the fuel that the two reverend gentlemen were entertained by the Kansas faculty may in a measure account for the result. Frank Dexter, one of the most promi nent lawyer of Kansas City, who voted fr Nebraska said, that Nebraska clearly i-.vellt'd 111 argument, logic and presen tation. Apparently he could not under--tand the decision of the divines. Whether or not the decision was just 1 he undent body realizes that it will be mui time before Nebraska will again Ijuvh thro as able representatives as Guy 'kiwii, J. 1). Dennifcou and R. S. liaker. The Glee Club Concert, The University Glee Club assisted by ' butoniw mandolin orchestra of uinuha, gave its fourth annual concert at M.a,iHugla.t Wednesday night. The m,T ftt'ly large and consisted oLuiversity people. It is to be ti. - at mo,'e ot' thse outside of ;llm'ityduluotatl0,l. The con- lu with a selection by the or- (Jf"ll?,lnfllil.gitful encore the mo lHU"d" followed by a hu mo next number was "Leg-the'L,7tliaclub- Tllis election and f Prof ?' BDth ure compositions m Lowe then rendered a harp 1,0,1 ' very masterly way and re- spondee! to an enthusiastie recall. Mr. Keuagy then sang a baritone solo, "The Three "Fishers." by Hullah. The first part of the program closed with one of the prettiest of the orchestra selections, Love Song" composed by Mr. Sutor ins, the leader of the orchestra. The second part opened with Hearts and Flowers" by the orchestra, followed by 'Hark The Trumpet,11 by the club. A quartette consisting of Messrs. Ireland, Davis, Keuagy, and Norton rendered Dudley Buck's "In Absence1 in a very pleasing manner. Mr. Ireland's whist ling solo was very enthusiastically re ceived and he hesitatingly responded to an encore. When Kob Mauley arranges a medley it is generally splendid, and the next number was no exception. The dismal discord at the end followed by the announcement that "The Blow Al most Killed Kimball,11 brought down the house. A selection by the orchestra, "Black America," closed the entertain ment. The Glee Club is better this year than ever before. Director Kimball has labored long and faithfully to develop a good organization, and to his efforts the high standard of his work is largely due. The members of the club have been very faithful in attendance at rehearsals and application to their work, and their ef forts are suitably crowned by the success which they have attained at their concerts this year. The personnel of the club is well known to every university student and need not be given here. The man agement was very fortunate in having the assistance of the Sutorins orchestra. It is one of the finest in the west and added much to the success of the concert. They play in excellent time and present a splendid stage appearance. Mr. Su torins, the leader, is deserving of much praise for his efficient management and directing of such a large organization. TMilli