The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 14, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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Harris went to Nebraska City, Satin'
0. C. Howard enjoyed a visit from his
father last Friday.
Miss Bessie Mickey of Osceola visited
a few days with her sister, Miss Blanche.
The Y. V. C. A. will give their annual
program in the chapel next Thursday
The death of Mrs. Harriet Curtiss
Shepard has caused a general sorrow
among the students.
Prof. Sherman gave a talk on "Whit
tier" before the Lancaster County Teach
er's Association last Saturday.
Company C was entertained Monday
evening by the former captain, Chas.
&vartz at Kappa Sigma chapter house
on 2oth and P sts.
The college settlement has made ar
rangements to furnish (lower seeds to
the children who are connected with the
The many friends of Miss Edna Cur
7 were much grieved to learn of the
loath of her sister, Mrs Fred Shepherd,
n,l the illness of her mother.
The Bible study committees of the Y.
awl Y. M. C. A. held a meeting
' Planned work for next year. Courses
7 given by .some of the professors
'he same as before.
Jl'e advance chorus is practicing extra
hr the Annual Concert which will
J'?" J 8th. Mrs. Will Owen
hu returned from New York Citv
u"lWieo with the chorus as pian-
J1?'T" rVPr eems t0 hnve attftcke(1
Zl 0o,ib in the Uni
o, L "(: 'l -ill enjoy an
iia ,:; n :: :,( :iy afto,',,oo
nni; .. "wi.v uuernoon ana
V:T lU t0 "10 grove west of
hold tl n U'y bntu,,dny afternoon to
i v aniUml PfiMi0- 'Ao Union
"'motimni,, the near future.
Prof. H. W. Caldwell spoke at Au
burn Friday evening on the "Influence
of the Frontier in American History."
The University Debating Association
met Saturday evening in Room 3 and
elected the following officers: E. B.
Perry, President; II. E. Sackett, Vice
Pros.; F. fl. Hawxby, Secy-Treas.
The Senior picnic hold at Lincoln
Park was a failure as far as attendance
is concerned. The class of '97 has thus
far shown less class spirit than any class
that has ever graduated. A Senior.
The ball game last Saturday between
Omaha and the University was a com
plete walk a-way for our team. Only
seven innings were played, owing to the
approaching storm. The score stood .'J
to 7 in favor of the University.
The Freshman Reception in Represen
tative Hall last Friday night was largely
attended. Dancing was the chief attrac
tion of the evening. Light refreshments
were served. A most enjoyable time is
The dismissal of R. M. Thomson
from the cadet band for circulating a pe
tition to the effect that the baud boys re
fuse to play at the girls' gymnasium ex
hibition unless granted permission to
take in other boys on the ticket which
read "self and lady," has been the sub
ject of considerable discussion the past
week. The general verdict seonis to bo
that not only was the dismissal made
without serious provocation but that the
Commandant has (dearly gone outside
his "realm." When the petition was cir
culated, last Saturday afternoon, tho
band was not on military duty. Tho
band was responsible to the Chancellor
and not to tho Commandant. Tt is un
derstood that other members of the band
refuse to play unless Thomson is rein
stated. The faculty is being urged to
reinstate Thomson.