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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1897)
Til 10 IJ 10 S P 10 KM AN fl 25 CENTS ii Will protect your eyes from the sun and dust if you purchase a pair ot colored glasses from E, IIALLETT, Optician and Jezoeler, 1143 0 Street "A fine line of Gold, Steel and Aluminum Spectacles ana eye glasses always in slock NO CHARGE MADE FOR EXAMINING EYES, RUNKS. YA LISES Elcsant Line f Pockct Books ,ltlll, (IJitO, JiCUlllVJ uciia UllU T Sepairin a Sjecialtv L1NC0LN TRUNK FACTORY, 1217 0 ST, i ojjctiaity. c A WIRI0K Proprietor. : for summer tourists and others. r OLD TRHNTTS TM Pvnnwnn rnr m,- 1XOVCITICS. w .u i.uiiaoxj run iijcjvy unao. of v ni0 mu- Charles B- Gregory, U. Jf V HI, soils all kinds of coal "at 1100 , if U nMho dement of the Rich- Wook. Students are invited to call. II is Good Form 2 Tf 1icycle cnce-com. qS S hC h " cvy hernial S e ,ieS!Bn a,Ul nn.lton. The old- -oXS?theintdligt"tWheel- Sinn to all alike Bicycles Standard of tho World o-.P,rFG; co-. Harort. Conn. GRAND VITASC0PE ENTERTAINMENT FREE! Beginning Monday, May 3, AND CONTINUING ALL WEEK The Armstrong Clothing Co. will entertain their friends on the third lloor of their Mammoth Estab lishment with a lirst-class high grade Vitascopo En tertainment, showing Many Entirely New Pictures Among which may ho seen the McKinley Inaugural Parade. This picture alone is uoith traveling many miles to see You May Depend Upon It That we will in this, as in all other of our undertak inc&, nutko the show a grand ueee-s. Our third lloor has been thoroughly renovated and filled with eomfoi tablo chairs, giving a seating capacilyof over 500 Our splendid passenger elevator service will aid much in taking care of tho manyhundieds who will take advantage of the hospitality so liberally offered by tin most widewako clothing institution in the great northwest The Vitascope May Be Seen From 10 to 11 a in, iiom2to5p in., and on Sat unlay night fiom 7 to 10.80 You are invited, your irionds are invited Children under in years of age must bo accompanied by parents. DUBINQ THIS WEEK OP PLEASURE GIVING WE WILL GIVE UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS IN. ALL DEPRTMENTS. CLOTHING COMPANY ARMSTRONG IOS3-IOI9 O STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. 1 11 'iM