The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 07, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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T LI B U E S I 10 R J A N
BLvby ' s Retreat,
None so liliiicl as those who look backwards!
Sh-h-hdi h-! Listen to tho Indies spring alt ire I
It is now oflicially given out that tho Junior Ann
al will issue March 15, IS .
I've worked up stand ins all the year,
And worn my best clothes neat and trim
Now at the 'leventh hour I fear
I wont get tickets to tho Gym.
Oh! heavenly girls, divinely sweet,
Big sugar-plums in nectar drowned,
I'll ever praise your charms complete
If yon will sond a ticket round.
And as I wateli in calm repose,
The incantations you begin,
I'll pray that "Cap" cannot catch Hose
And ShutY and Howard stealing in.
When the rawest of Freshmen come hero in the Jail,
And the Juniors return with eclat, (ha ha)
And the Sophomores have grown into Juniorites tall
Prof Hessey will wear a new hat. (ha ha).
His old one is narrow of brim;
His old one is frayed round the rim;
Its colors arc faded,
For tields he has raided
In mist and in rain.
,Onee it was trim;
Now it is plain
'That Prof. Hessey must purchase a new hat again.
When that old hat was new, 1, a Freshman would fret
, And my purse it grew thinner while thickened my
It would save us all sorow if we could forget
The hats we have bought in four years.
For up in the dust on the old attic iloor
Are hats bought on trust half a dozen or more,
And golf caps galore,
Iu all half a score.
And fast come the tears
J As I think with regret
Of the shekels I've let
Slip away in these years
For more hats it appears
Than a Prof, needs to get.
Base Ball Briefs.
The university base ball team defeated tho uni
versity club of Omaha last Saturday by a score of
The game was well played and the closeness of the
score made it intensely interesting. By many it has
been pronouced one of the best amateur games ever
played in Lincoln.
"Eddio" Gordon pitched an excellent game and
our hoys gave him good support. Coach Kobinson,
Benedict, Kindler and Wells did some line work.
Creigh at short was invincible. Reeder did good
Held work hut was weak at the bat.
The Omaha team is a strong one. Lawlor pitched
a good game. But the field work and tho batting
of the Omahans showed el -:v ly . 'aek of practice.
Here is the way our boys did it:
Omaha Uni. Club 0-4-4-1 00 0 (-9
Uni. of Nebraska 1-4-0-2 1-0-0-3-0-10
Earned runs, Omaha 4, U of N. 4. Errors, Omaha
r, U.'of N.. 2. Umpire, Friol.
Nine sturdy men from Council BlnlTs defeated
the university team Tuesday afternoon by a score of
18 to 8.
Our boys put up a belter game in the field than
did the visitors. But the BlufVites had a strong lat
tery, and were all hard hitter The score hy innings
Council Bluffs r.ii-0-3 11-1 0 12
Uni. of Neb. 20 00-U-J-l-.l 8
Earned runs, Council Bluffs 4, U of N . 2. Kithk
Council Bluffs 7, U. of N. 4. Batteries, Council
Bluffs, Whited and Jones; U. of N. Gordon and
Moore. Umpire, Friel.
Tho lecture of N. S Harwoo.l before the Political
Economy club was again postponed, business call
ing Mr. Harwood out of the city Thursday evening,
the date set for the lecture.
Tennis is becoming a favorite recreation among
the students. The players say no one having a
racket should fail to use the fine grounds. The ten
nis association desires ajl interested to become 1"'
of its number.
The electrical engineers met lat Saturday even
ing and elected the following oMeefs tor nexi ya
President, E. B. Sawyor; vice-president, .J. L m" '
man; secretary H. B Noyes; treasurer, A . fc "
lor; corresponding secretary, A. L. liongiau".
Krnest lies.sey was appoinieu msioriitn.
Our program
for 1897
contemplates giving the ). f
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