The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 07, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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Off for Kansas.
Messrs. R. S. Baker, U. W. Greon and J D. Doni
son, university representative in tho Kansas-Nebraska
debate, loft yesterday on tho 1:10 train fjr
Lawrence, Kansas. They go by way of Kansas City.
The. debate occurs in Lawrence this evening. The
question will lie discussed: "Resolved that itshould
lm the policy of the U. S. to extend its dominions'
The university has the ailirmativo This question is
a favorite with the university, Baker having diseuss
editcvorj year since he was a second 'prep.' While
tlio Kansas men are conoeded to be strong men the
Hespekias comidently expects that the Nebraska
trio will he victorious.
W Green, will lead for Nebraska. Mr. Green
s a dear thinker and a close reasoner. Ho has an
jrnest and deliberate delivery. As a debater ho
lias few equals.
J . Dennisou is strong in being able to grasp tho
Wiolo ot the subject under discussion. Ho is a close
i.luiit aiuleatefnl thinker. His power as a speaker
a .shown n. the local oratoiical contest.
K b Baker has been recognized as ono of the debaters in the university for the past two
elLt l" MS "aUUHl :Mm as :l P"b"c
" .llU '"I? a ll"-'"l knowledge of history and
"W'al and forcible ,peakor.
sue wih'f1 JS "mV l""OU(1 of ,,er P'-cseutatives, but
ngMi I eve,. nn,lc m uft(J1. lho &mUal Ms
The Junior Annual
Tho long looked for Sombrero will soon make its
appearance. The printing is completed and there
is nothing but the binding yet to bo done. A great
deal of time and labor has been expended upon it,
but this has not been in vain for the Sombrero this
year will bo on par with any annual published in
any college of the United States. Save your dollars
from now until next week. Tho annuals will be
sold for cash only. The entire number will bo put
on sale at once so you can get your annual as soon
as your neighbor.
Summer Vacation.
tl.J'uX!r,,"e,,,thei' aro ,m,Wtio students about
(ll'n.. u'u(,n TVan,ttOU,ak0 UP "on,tt subject
f'"tliuw 1 " 1 (luUj,,i j.isl where to go
ai11' "PI) o e ','?, ,UUVC'rnly "ry instructors
"f Mu I , IH ' Wl ,0PU J 1 i the school
w wee S U,Hl co,,lluMO "glout the
htoforo offered "i pPnr,lo,y 'bJ"
inlerwlS7 "uMuvsity, but during tho
"" I oil re U ,jL'ClS'lvi Hogo credits will
,m,''Nuturnl'n,ri Wll'Vwtiil their own bo-
al,0"t Hie in-w school '()"r "dS ln tho8tw,H
C. (J. Michncr went through Lincoln Wednesday
evening on his way to tho Pacific coast conferance
of tho Y. M. C. A
Tho Union boys will debate tho question: "Re
solved that tho present banking system should bo
replaced by government banks," Saturday evening.
Messrs Evart and Archer will present the aflirmativo
ami Messrs Bollonback and Meier the negativo.
Tho debate Saturday evening betweon tho Delian
and Palladian 'boys was well attended. The ques
tion of tho government ownership of railroads was
ably advocated by Messrs. Pinkerton, Piper and
Waterman. Some plausible reasons whj' govern
ment ownership is not practical, wero urged by
Messrs Chambers, Paine and Theobald.
The inter-state oratorical contest took place at
Columbia, Missouri, last evening. Perl Decker of
Missouri won first place with an oration on tbo
"Basic Law of Progress." Colorado won second
and Minnesota third. Ten states were represented.
As wo go to press wo aro unable to lean where our
orator, R, C. Roper, ranked but wo aro certain ho
acquited the contest creditably.
On Thursday next, at 10:15 tho ball team leaves
on its eastern trip. Nino games will bo played, and
the return will bo made Saturday May 22, at 8:40 p.
m. Tho following is tho schedulo for tho trip. May
13, Council Bluffs Professional team; 4, Drake Uni.
Dcs Moines; 15 Ioiva State Uni , Iowa City; 16. Sun
day, attend services in Chicago; 17, Notre Damn
College, Notre Dame, Ind.; 18, North Western Uni.,
Kvanston, 111 ; 19 111. State Uni. Champaign; 20,
Chicago Uni , Chicago; 21, Western College, Toledo;
22, All-Uni. Team, Omaha.
"""foftu t TV ,lllC """Inuiy announce
6XB0nt pro,,?, ,?, eh"m and be what an
pleasant u " T T,,is will boa
Jimrk .ton?,01 W Weoks ,lft1, vacation
will bo enjoyed much hotter if your eyes aro free
from dust and protected from the sun. Colored
glasses aro cheap and effective. Come and examine
them. Do not forget mo for defective eyes. Most
cases aro cured by glasses of the proper refraction
without medicine.
Examination free. -K. S. KING,
Refracting Optician, 1800 O street.
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