The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 07, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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The Senior picnic was postponed to
Saturday May 9th.
The campus is being made the practice
ground for the field da)' sports.
Mrs. Densmore of Hebron, Nebr., is
visiting her daughter. Miss Harriet.
The fraternities will give a dancing
party at the Beach Friday evening, May
Mrs. Sudborough, president of the
State Child-Study Association, addressed
the class in child-study Wednesday eve
ning. Now is the time to secure your spring
and summer gown, when the linings and
outfittings cost you absolutely nothing.
This week at Herpolsheimer & Co.'s
0. A. Bertell, who was called to his
liom at St. Edwards by the sudden death
of his mother, has derided not to return
t tw university this year.
Invitations have been issued by the
Phi Kappa Psi fraternity to an "at home'
at their fraternity house 1630 G street,
Hiday evening May 7. The reception
promises to be a brilliant affair.
JIm"1' Fre?.ch an(1 Latin 'dictionar
s MM be supplied by us to students of
H&n C0,IR' Bk dept Her"
The building association elected the
ol owing officers last Friday evening in
fl'an hall: H. 0. Sutton, president;
h . Kmton, vice-president; Hattic
1 aekanl, secretary.
JoT ZTrm Wero Porwciitfld this
t ' ' . J U(l 'Meted condition of the
lines of both the oratorical and do
ngaHoc,ationsmadeit necessary to
""onlor to raise
am 1 1 Tf our oratop t0 Columbia
an Z fmiGrH t0 wreiice. Faculty
fnt3 ponded to the extent xf
The Y. W. C. A. entertainment will
be given in the chapel Thursday evening
May 13. The program is in charge of
Mrs. Manning. "The Romance of the
Ganges" will be one of the principal fea
tures of the entertainment.
The annual exhibition of the young
ladies' gymnasium classes will be held in
the armory Saturday evening. There
will be exercises in the bar drill, aparatus
work, flying rings, marching, fencing,
and if time will permit, the advanced
class will play a game of basket ball.
The Dress Goods Department at Her
polsheimer & Co.'s has been the center
of interest for economical buyers during
the past week. Here they not only
quote special prices on strictly-up-to-date
dress patterns, but give the linings and
outfittings (as advertised) absolutely
The special program given by the
Union boys last Friday evening, was
strikingly original. Tho Olympic Coun
cil with Jove I. presiding was represented.
Norman Shreve made a splendid Jove
and he was well supported by tho rest of
the council. The solo by II. S. Evans
was heartily applauded and was respond
ed to by apathetic solo by W. G. Kinton,
The Fantastic Steps, one of the best
numbers on the program and which would
have to bo seen to be appreciated.
$2.00 $2.50 $3.00
in the new
shades that
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