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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1897)
LINCOLN ; NEBRASKA K CONSERVATORY listablishcri Y.Vy Incorporated AWiivA i 1 , Jps OF JKZ7SC A HIGH rnATcnryir ,rr,n,r ..... ." . ... half the Prn,,o 7 7. v'-t"-"i" -" w" wiim-o on i.y jir.u class musical instruction is given, am at nU the expense of other institutions of tho siinio kind. ructors, many of tliom holding diplomas from tlio . tOPOt.hnV with n. Ihnrmmh innl nrnnrfisaii'n ontirsi .,..-! !l ...... . 1 . I J m expense oi other institutions of tho sumo kind. lestE ojiemtdAm'nT-1 aMy competent instr, II ? n; am' "'"l on tho best foreign , L'wouty threoquartorhour lessons, $15. Twonlj We have all the late styles in TAN SHOES for summer wear. Come and see us. WEBSTER & ROGERS, 1048 O Stroot,, Lincoln, Nebraska. Fits Gerald Dry Goods Co. 1088-1020 0 STREET, : : : : : : LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. "Popular Prices Win Popular Favor' andhaV th-G SCls aud Qiin mako tho pi'ic'GS' Al,ythi"S yom.efl'y-thins Can bo Purchased at this store and you save iu . tlme ti'onblo and money by coming here at once. 0RDES RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION w . 3 H I )