The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 30, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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    T 11 E UliSP E R 1 A N
BLvby's Retreat.
Scrap's the word!
Let well-enough bis tired 1
Prof J. V. Boomer of Liberty, former business
manager of this sliuel, orator, politician, presiding
elder, poet and general pusher has recently been
ohosen to deliver the Memorial Daj address at Lib
erty, Ncbr., on condition that he will not use any of
his last year's jokes or quote from Ooldsmith. He is
in great demand. His latest achievement is a met
rieul "Composition on Musie" read before the gran
dees of his adopted city. It. moved the audience,
but was generally pronounced better than any origi
nal vocal illustration of his text.
Dear Hoonier, fame has you fast,
Your metre every heart inspires!
Oh, tell us bow long this will last
So wo may put on extra wires
To spread your fame on lightning wing
Achieved in "Music," Love" or 'Spring."
The richest joy ot all life's store,
Winch brightened my brief span,
Was just to sit on the "Jfirst Floor"
To hear "El Capitan "
I think when regents arc about
Wis ought, to make a show.
The faculty should all turn out
Enough, at least to till one vow.
The eager students g.iily throng
To join in one glad welcome song.
But wh"ii the later days arrives
Willi regents not in session,
Py hook or crook we can't contrive
(Kind heaven forgive my frank confession!)
To make our chapel service sweet
With piety and empty seats
1 saw that rabid Lansing mob,
Their ribs, arms, feet, promiscuous lay.
And buttons, cigarettes, and gum,
Thick scattered o'er that, gory way.
1 only thought with fond vegrvt
The faculty again had met.
Hark! the chapel bell is ringing.
Let us go to take a stroll;
Nature gives for soulless singing
Sweet retrains that stir the soul.
Come with me and wander sprightly
In the fragrant morning air;
Let our buoyant spirit lightly
Ureal h a truer chapel prayer
Empty forms may weakly linger
After spirits have expired;
If they'd introduce some "ginger"
It wouldn't be sodarnalllired
Oh confess, with shame and blushing,
We can only make a show
By a called mass meeting! Mushing
Students otherwise don't go.
Departmental Lecture.
E J. Willyoung, .expert designer of electrical
measurement instruments for Queen & Co of Phil
ndclphia gave a series of ten lectures before the
engineering students this week Mr. Willyoung was
a fellow student with Dr. Brace at Ann Arbor ami
is an intimate friend of Prof Owens. It was through
the latters efforts that so valuable a lcetiiriT was
secured. The lectures have been full of interest
both to the beginner and to those betM acquainted
with the more technical part of electrical measure
monts. The subjects, resistances of wires, ulloy
used to produce constant resistances, rcsistante
boxes, the wheatstone bridges, and the diiuvnt
kinds of galvanometers have been taken up in older
and fully discussed The idea of the greatest aceur
acy in instrument making has predominated through
out. Last night a reception was tendeicl Mr Will
young by the society of Electrical Engineers at the
Phi Kappa Psi chapter house- A goodly ntimberof
Profs, and students turned out and showed Heir
appreciation of this opportunity to meet tlicdMin
guished guest.
How to Make Money.
Students and others who wish to improve their
time prolitably, while in school or during the MiJ
mor months, should take an agency for Everybody
Dictionary, vest pocket size. This little ilk'tionnrj
contains over 83,000 words and is the mot useful
book published. One man has sold more than 1.5W
coppies. Tt makes a splendid "side Him" l' f'lliw''
lion with other business Write for catal":iii' "
terms, to The Practical Text Book Co., Cleveland.
Beatrice Myan expects to ieave school nc.t w''-
The Seniors expect to have a picnic next Saturday
in the woods near the penitentiary.
The Misses McGinlcy, who were called t ,lll'ir
home in Talmadge by the scu;iou.s jllncss of tlu'i
father, have returned to school. j
The Union boys debating tfuVdelmt-s with !
coin Normal club Saturday evening at the Norma
A large crowd is expected to go out.
Owing to the rain last Friday night the clD
"New members' program" will bo given Ma)'
(ireat preperations are being made to excell the on
given last, year and it promises to be sonusthuip