The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 30, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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    T LI E II E S V K i 1 A N
Dr. Wolfe is Removed.
"The regents have requested Dr. Wolfe to resign"
was whispered, among thu .students who were in the
library, yesterday morning shortly after eight. It
was not Jong before petitions began to appear com
rounding I)r Wolfe as an efficient instruetor ete.
The petitions were eagerly signed by nearly 1000
Mmk'iits. Next it was proposed that all go to chap
el and manifest the dislike of the regents action.
They did.
Kveii the casual observer who entered chapel yes
teuhy morning could see something out of the ord
inary had taken place or was about to take place.
Not a seat was unoccupied, many were standing.
'Cries of Wolfe! Wolfe! Wolfe! what's the matter
with Wolfe?" "Ile'.sall right," were followed by
icoroiis applause.
During this time the Chancellor and regents took
seats on the platform. Considering the reported
uit the Chancellor had taken in inllueucing the re
gents action, he was placed in a rather ombarassing
portion. When he stepped forward to lead the de
votional excretes he incidentally remarked that it
gratified him to mic department; students so loyal to
their pinfsor. Ho said Dr. Wolfe was "all right"
in many way.-,. The remark was received with
hive from several parts of the chapel as if certain
M'ideii s thought the staioment ironical
A mav. meeting was called. The mooting was
ea-hil for iclu. By U:u the chapel was again
clouded J.D Dennison called the meeting to or
,l11' K. S Baker wsis elected chairman of the meet
"'Band V 6 Philbrick, secretary A motion was
adopted indexing tu, resolutions adopted at a
nieeiiug tif the altitnui of the university. The reso
lutions requested the regents to reconsider their
actiotjiu regard to the resignation of Dr. Wolfe and
Wwfurthw action until their meeting in June A composed f Baker, Dennison, JJager,
"H. K,lW,.t Pi.iil.rick and Miss Bullock were
' J, eo,lf,'' u"'th the regents. The regents "ad
J'uiijmI before the committee was able to 'confer.
a "solution was adopted apologizing for the hiss
'"K f Hie Chancellor during chapel hour.
1 he report of the Chancellor to the regents show-
e following departmental changes: Prof. W.
uinpso,., instructor in mechanical drawing, re-
1 Utktept i. MiMa.yTrcniaine.
2 Uii.U.r.nfcnmw, History resigned to take effect
hilt ' ,wI,h6.1,'"i"e,H work has been without
H- M.el.a.lthoalrna.iveof resigning or do
K -km otheCi,,pa1,m(,nts St cJoMfcio fon)i
iwtn. , f u, rrsi,le(1 lls instructor in the art de-
WsI . A,,a,"s WUH i'qted by the board of
l1' IKI anllF,, rVf "S Amlml Ut
bead m 1 " fi !h:h Liu'rlt,,r department. As
" " noiWiin.,l department a choice was
made between Prof. Sherman and I'rof. Adams
Prof Sherman was chosen. Prof. Adams refused to
resign and said he wanted a hearing before the board
of regents. The regents refused the hearing.
Chancellor MacLcan and Prof. Sherman both urg
ed that Prof. Adams be retained as an instructor in
the reorganized department for one year. The re
gent, thought this not expedient.
As lothecaseof Dr,Wolle the Chancellor said that
members of the board of regents asked him if Dr.
Wolfe were following the official advice given him
by the executive committee of the regents a year ago
through the Chancellor. This advice was that Prof,
Wolfe should devote himself to his own department
and not meddle with other departments. The Chan
cellor told the regents that Prof. Wolfe had not fol
lowed this official advice. The regents asked the
chancellor what policy he recommended. The Chan
cellor stated that he thought it for the best interests
of the university that Dr. Wolfe's relations with the
university cease. The work of Dr. Wolfe in his de
partment was not attacked. Religious or political
scruples did not cuter into the question of demand
ing the resignation- It was held that. Dr. Wolfe was
disloyal in not co-operating with the rest of the fac
ulty. A conference committee met Dr. Wolfe to de
cide how he should cease relations with the univer
sity He refused to resign. The regents then de
cided that his services would not be needed after
September 1st.
The Chancellor urged that many of the changes
and department coordinations were made for the
sake of economy. Ho said that the new order of
things would save the university 4,fi00.50.
The Y. W. C. A is preparing for an entertainment
in the near future.
The distinguished Kev. T. DeWitf Talmage gave
a chapel talk this morning.
D. L. Killen celebrated his birthday Saturday
evening by entertaining some of his friends. Those
present were Misses Trester, Standish, llosa Buck
ley, Packard, Bartz and Moore and Messrs Jones,
Wiison, Sackett, Swiu, Warner, Gates and Uosa.
Miss Buckley and Mr. Wilson were the champion
crokinole players. Refreshments were served ut a
reasonable hour and the remainder of the evening
was turned into a musical. At midnight tho guesUi
departed, wishing Mr Killen many icttirnsof this
eventful day.
Are coming on and you will use your eyas more
than you have the whole year. When your head
begins U ache, you may safely attribute it, in most
cases, to your eyes although the pain may not be
near them. lu most cases a pair of glasses will re
lieve this without medicine. Call and let me look at
your eyes Examination free. E. S. King, Refract
ing Optician,1 l0'O Street.