The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 30, 1897, Page 6, Image 6
(i TllK IIKSPEKM AN ' t The Hesperian Issued Weekly by the I1kmkuiak Association of the University of Nobmskn rBUMs ok srusrmiMMos one fiiy, ier eollwo your (in lulvnnctM Otto (ii, oue suiuvMur - .... .CO AUVKKTISINO lUfmoN .Wn.lCATION ALU MM AN1 :;-MTlTm.s.Tr. special endeavor will be inmlelo mukcTiiK Uksfkkiax her fstuitf to torinur Modems I'leics: s-ouil us your Milerltious. ;raub-crliltoiisoa our books will bo continued until or dored stopped. Address nil coinmnniculous to Tin; Uksckhian, Uivlvority of .obm:-kii, I.tneolu, Nebraska. The Kiuisijs Nebraska debate takes place at Law rence Kansas, next Friday evening Reports from Lawrence say the Kansas representatives arc strong men. So arc Baker, Gieeu and Dcnnison. They a iv hard al work preparing for tlm decisive contest. The debate promises to be the hardest contested of any debute since the organization of the Kansas Nebraska a.soei'itin. It begins to look As if Nebraska would not lx rep resented in .he inter Mate oratorical contest The state association has puid Mr Roper but tliiof the prize money, it is l.inkrnpt and cannot pay his expenses to Columbia, Mo wliere the contest is to be held. Mr. ltope.r, who is working his way through school feels that he cannot afford to pay his own expenses. Here the matter stauds. If JWr. Roper does not participate in the contest to be held at Columbia next week, it throws Nebraska out of the inter state association. Can not .something be done Do we to le unrepresented in this contest? Are we willing to Ix- dropped from the interstate asso ciation V If we are to tlo something it must be done at once as Mr Kopcr must leave next Tuesday in order to get to Columbia in timefoj the contest. This is not the day of lwoU worms, but there are a few around the university whose recluse manner and worn faces tell of a life given almost wholly to theii lxoks. It is not ours to discourage n careful, si odious life, bin we do believe that many carry this to an extreme, ai.d thus become simply repositories instead of active, living factories lor ideas. There is 100 much of Ihe cramming in process, instead of the leading out. Wo must come in touch with our fellow students and get the practical sidethe living vibrating, animating side of our college life, if we are to make the woild letter for lxdng in it Some pc .lc go at their slndies as though all the prepara tion for life they ever expected to get was between book covers Lot us be studious very studious, but only a purl of our material for life's .study is printed on paper. Uur lellow students want our interest, our sympathy and our thought; let us come in touch with them. The War af Crete. The raging Hoods did not prevent the reprcsenta tives of the U IV D. C. from meeting the sturdy Cretans last Saturday evening. The program was given in the Congioga'ioiial church. W. H Uhodcs, of the U. li D V presided and called the house to order :it8:W. Mr Leo of the P. K.I) kept time. The question del tated was "That the jnesent division of labor tends rather to hinder than to help individual dcvclopcmcnt. E. W. Ellis, of the 1 K. I) society opened thede bate for the affirmative.. He dc lined the question carefully and outlined the 'argument for their iile He asserted that this system suppresses the mind, makes the laborer more dependentaud causes a lack of interest in self impr. venu nl. (J F Warren opened the argument for tnc negative in behalf of the U. li D. (J. He showed that a distribution of functions was the plan of animal life, and essential to social development. He made astroutr point in rebuttal by showing that national prosperity was possible only when the individual citizens were im proving. C J Mahr, the next speakc- oiv the allir uiative concceded of the prop sitioiis made by the negative. He dwell upon the evils of spo-iali station as being conducive to a one sided develop incut. N K. Kvart followed for the negitive and hurled a witty shot which was looking for more ' dividual de elopcnu ut on the part of the a niriiiativ . lie showed that the system of labor hud not niatei ially changed in the lasttittcen years and tint negHtive had failed to limit the question. A. Hauston, then proceeded to argue for theaf urinative that this system destroys the home by em pl.iyiug the mothers and child i en in shops- He assorted that laborers were becoming ineclisi'iir ami by taking away individual interest they were losing all pride in the furnished product V ' Hawxby followed on. the negative and insisted that the present system was the natural met hod f de veloping those resources most essential to man happiness. He compare.! the home of a weuu-r be fore the time of machinery, with the advantage-, of the laborer of today By a comparison of si itistie from the report of the cmimissioner of labor, l'e showed that the greatest industrial, intellectual ail social development had taken place in maniifaeUir iug citii s. W H. Hotze quoted good authorities to show that the present system tends to degenerate the individ ual. He insisted that national and uid virtual d velopemeut were not co incideinuud'tjiai iueiei'l wages could not replace the injupcApi the factory system, which prevents the laborer from apply"1" him-elf. O. W. Meier closed for ihe negative Ht showed clearly the perfection of our .system, ami how completely the individual was develop through a differentiation of functions. He qw living authorities and showed how iwrsibteiitiy his opponents refund to limit the question. Mr Litis made a forcible close for the atUrmathe