The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 30, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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r u e u v: h P E R 1 A N
Resin weeds along the rut
Wherejreighter's wliuel lias cut
In the dirt beneath the sod,
Groaning, grinding iron-shod
To the night-camp iu the hollow,
. -av the spring and bison wallow
-k.n old charred stump where once stood
A gray whispering cotton-wood;
Crickets sing beside tb spring;
Eager herds at sunset string
In lowing, dusty tiles tbat follow
Wheel ruts to the bison -wallow.
Joseph A. Sakgekt.
Aenone's cry of passion long ago
Failed in the sunny windswept plains of Troy.
And I today hear lwt, the dying tone.
Pain lives no longer than free joy.
Her voice that echoed bitter "Let me die,"
Steals now upon me like the evening's breath!
"Time gave a letter lover far than thou, Paris."
And 1 knotv she speaks of Death.
Anxie Prey.
Read the Annsti-oug Clothing Co's ad.
in this paper.
Fire senior girls attended the Senior
Boys go down to the R & C shop
and get the latest hair cuts.
The Y. W. C. A. will give an enter
tainment in chapel a week from Satur
day. Miss Belle Cross of the Wesleyan uni
versity, is taking work in literature under
Prof. Peterson.
Boys, remember that Westerfield, the
pioneer barber, gives the latest style in
haircuts 117 N 3th.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Goodell, of Wilber
were visitors at the university Monday.
Mr. Goodell is an ex-student.
The proper furnishing goods for parties
prominades, etc. can be had always of
Bumotead & Tuttle, 117 So. Uth.
The Senior promenade was a brilliant
affair. The weather did not interfere in
the least. About sixty couples were
present. The senior glee club enter
tained the dancers between dances.
Dr. Clyde Davis, Dentist, Richards Blk.
Emily MoNeal aud Katherine Burt
have been confined to their rooms with
the measles.
Miss Mary Packard, a teacher in the
schools of Weeping Water, spent Satur
day with her sister, Miss Hattie.
Please remember that D. T. Smith
jeweler 1140 O street, will make prices
right on watches, jewelry, fountain peus
and repairing of all kinds.
Mr. Weaver had the misfortune to get
some potassium cyanide in one of his eyes
last Friday while working iu the chemis
try laboratory.
Great special hat and cap snip, one
fifth off ou all 1897 styles. Nobbiest
styles in the city. Call early. Armstrong
Clothing Co.
The attendance at the literary societies
last Friday night was very small ou ac
count of the rain. All who attended met
in Palladian hall and enjoyed an im
promptu program.
German, French and Latin dictionar
ies will be supplied by us to students of
the university at $1 . 1 2$ each. These are
regular $1.50 editions. Book dept. Her
polsheimer & Co.
The graduate club will hold their semi
annual meeting Tuesday night in rooa
4 of the library building. Papers will b
read by Dr. H. C Peterson, Misses Lou
isa Pound, Edna Bullock and Mr T. E.
The English club met with Miss Amy
Bruner last Saturday evening. The fol
lowing program was rendered: story,
Miss Green; poem, Miss Bruner; story,
Mr. Shreve. After the program those
present were called upon to write a poein
o a flower which was given them. Some
excellent verses were written.
Coal to burn. Charles B. Gregory, V
of N. '91, sells all kinds of coal at 11W
O street in in the basement of the Rich
ards block. Students are invited, to call.