m X 4 ? v'' A. Goods ? "? Do you want to seethe Largest and Most 'Complete took -of Dress Goods to "be found in Nelyraslsa? To all who visit -ow Dross Goods Department 'we promise to show one of tlie Most 'Complete stocks in the Central West and a larger as sortment than can 'be found in all other Lincoln stores 06'm'bined. : ::::::::::: t : : ' MILLER & PAINE, P""l flHl ft "MMMk ifrMMad vf fi 'IHX B 1 PERKINS & SHELDDmCO, IFOR mmmm i"V n a - ... fffl Bwylfcat ,... JB . . TI aTfe !lrt -. 'F-flT . Round ices rowns ucyv gSag"!Bttr POINTED TOES. ism". ,13p q St aW- Ja yfft W x p P v 5S-