The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 16, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE HESl'EttlAN
A. M. Troyer Heard From
The editors are In receipt of a letter from A.M.
Trojcr, a prominent university alumnus, who is now
connected with the Agnioultural Experiment Station
of tlui University of Wisconsin Wo regret that wo
aw umilili) to print tho letter in full.
Mr. Troyer writes in tho most complimentary
strain concerning the part taken by Chancellor Mae
Lean during tho recent meeting of Westean college
presidents at Madison He is onollnod to think that
Chancellor MaoLoan made tho most pi nosing and
sensible talk made during tho meeting Mr. Troy
er says he can not refrain from mentioning ono of
the Chancellor's witticisms "While Nebraska,''
said Chancellor MaoLoan, "has no 'Ladies' Hall' to
comptro with yours, she has a close rival in her 'su
par school ' " This made tho Chancellor a favorite
with the Wisconsin girls.
Mr. Troyer is well satislied with Wisconsin Uni
versity; jet ho nays, incidentally, that tho way
money Is extracted from tho students' pockets is a
caution Tho student must pay twelve dollars a year
to have his iiuino enrolled. Ho also has to pay for
Wiunasiiun, bath and locker privileges. Mr. Troyvr
thinks the Nelir.iska boy should bo satisfied with tho
univi'i-hity of his homo state
Dr. Fling's Summer Tour.
Dr. and Mrs. Fling leave today via tho Rock
Island for New York whence they sail on tho Ken
sington for Antwerp, April 21 . From Antwerp they
o directly to I'aris remaining there but a few days,
lug thence to Roohello via Orleans, Tours and
Vtieis, in harbor is the famous island of
Khuaoa which stands the fortress whoro Miraboau
was imprisoned the first time. In addition their
circuitous itinerary will include Bordeaux, the ex
treme south west of Franco, Toulouse, Marseilles in
whos.) harbor stands tho memorable Chateau d'lf,
also the scene of Mirabeau's imprisonment, Aix
where are the private archives of Moutiguo includ
ing twelve volumes of Mirabeau's letters, Memos,
Ai'es, Avignon, Pontallor also tuo scone of Mini
will's incarceration, and Dijon. Tlioy then return
w l ans to study in the national archives of foreign
wiw, sailing for homo August 18
Atalioftlu, ,,iaci.iS visiU!(l) D FHng wjiC(,u0Ct
J Possible added material for uso in his "Life of
" irabeau" which promises to bo a valuable oontri
J ion t Mat ,ry and n monument to American
Jlir hosts of city and univorslty friends join in
Jj wishes for a pleasant and protltable journey.
"flng the absence of Dr. Fling, work in tho do
uumentot European History will bo carried on as
Z. ! , ln'aUf buforo his departure Miss Tro
U,n wul l, cting head of tho department.
Gertrmio O'Suilivan, who hold a position as clerk
laliiB,naUM,Ul,nB th0l-cent session of tho legis
l' leturned t hr homo in West Point Monday.
Dalian hall is undergoing an agreeable change.
Z. E. Crook spent tho lirst part of tho week in
Falls City.
Tho Sophomores have decided not to issue an
annual noxtyear.
Tho Doliau "Now Momhors" program will ho giv
en Friday April 23.
Several of tho Pall, hoys had birthdays this week
but kept them very shy.
President D. M. Davis gavo a most interesting and
encouraging report of tho post year's work of tho Y.
M. C. A last Sunday. President elect It. W. Thatch
er assumed his duties in n fow well chosen remarks.
Tho Senior-Junior ball game was played ou tho
campus Thursday, April 6. Tho game was tho best
which has been played. Tho Juniors won with a
score of 7 to 11. Tho players wore, Seniors: Manloy
Pillsbury, Allen, Wilson, Hedge, Camoron, Jorge n
son, Rowo, Saxton; Juniors: Porter. Kindlor.Grcon,
Morrison, Pearso, Moli.a, Haggard, Wilkonson and
Tho baseball mlnstrols wore a grand success. Lit
tle has ocenred in tho way of university nmuso
nients during tho year which has afforded more
genuine fun. Tho songs were catchy Thoy par
took largely of tho real negro melodies Tho solo
by Geo Whaloy "A little rag doll," "All coons look
alike to mo" by Kurt Whedon, and "That blow al
most killed father" by Ralph Mueller deserve spec
ial mention. The gags on tho professors wore fresh
and up to date. Tho entertainment closed with a
rolioking farce entitled" An Uuiversity Masquerade"
The parts were well sustained.
Tho Palladians had anothei of their exceptionally
good programs last Friday. Tho musical numbors
by Master Harry Briggs, Tho Ideal Mandolin Club
and Miss Minnie Hay wore ef unusual merit. Tho,
remarks of Mr. Pipor as ho left tho offioo of presu'
dent to assume the more arduous duties of Sargeant.
at-arms wore appropriate. Tho short inaugral by
tho now presideut. Miss lledford, was pointed. Af
tor tho program, tho society adjourned to tho parlors
of a popular caterer whoro light refreshments were
sorvod A. S. Johnson acted as toast-master. S.
li Sloan responded to "Palladian Girls;" S. W.
Pi'nkerton, "Our Orator" and R. C. Roper in ro
sponso to "Our Orator." There wore about seventy
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