(j THE HBBI'BKIAN The Hespekian Issued Weekly by the Hbspkuun Association of tho UntverMty of Nebraska. I'KltMS OF SUIISUUU'TION One copy, ter college year tin advance - 11.00 Ouu cojy, oie semester .00 AifviumsiNu Hates on Avpmcation. AI.UMNl AND KX-8TUDKNTS. Special endeavor will bo mado to mako Tiik IIkspkiuan Inter CBttnir to former students. Pluaso send us your subscriptions. CSrsubscrljtttons on our books will bo continued until or dercd Mopped. Address all communications to Tiik Hkhpkiuan, Unlvondty of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. IIOAHD OF EDITOKS. Pcrso Morse Miuinglm; Kill tor K. U. Perry Assistant Editor ASSOCIATKS S. .T. Corey .... Editorial J. A. MirKunt Literary Harriet Packard Local L Idllla.letfery Local Eva rVsulllviui Alumni Martha Chappcll ExcImiiko Hubert Andresun Atlilello J. II Saycr Business Mummer L. K. Mumford Assistant Notice, All subscribers who havo not paid tboir subscrip tion will ilo tho busiuoss managers a great favor if they will settle at oueo. It is now nu.tr the oloso of the school .year ami all subsoiiptious must bo paid. There is nothing that will foster n true atholtio spirit quicker than a vigorous class rivalry in col lege games. The class football league last fall gave birth to somo hearty enthusiasm and tho base-ball tournament now in progress seems fully as produc tive of interest. The time has come when tho university needs more open literary societies. Tliere are enough studouts in tho uuiversity, besides those who beloug to frator- nities, to support live or six such. The outlooK seems good for nearly two thousands sttuhuts noxt year and with this increase will come a greater uemaud for tho open society . The Junior Annual is to bo a "hummer." It wil undoubtedly bo tho best volume yet published, both from a literary and artistic standpoiont. Too board has done some hard work in its efforts to mako tho '98 Sombrero surpass auything in the history of college annuals and deserves tho hearty support of every univcrdity student. It. S. Baker received word Monday morning that ho had wou tho $2)0 gold medal offored by the Na tional Society of tho Sons of tho American ltevolu tion for tho best essay on "The Principles Fought for iu tho American Revolution." Hon. Horace Porter, miuister to Franco, is president of tho soci ety. Competition for tho medal is open to any pollego or university student in tho United States. Amhorsb wou tho modal in '03 and Princeton in '00. Iu winning this, Mr, Bakor has won honors for tho uuiversity as woll as for hlmsolf. Tho difliculty of our representatives in tho Kansas Nebraska debate to arrange tho order in which they should spoak, has boon tho subject of no little dis cussion the past week. Iu fact matters looked ser ious for awhile. But as suggested in tho Hkspeman of last weok a compromise has been olTectod and tho matter definitely settled. Mr. Groon will lead, Mr, Donison will spoak second, Mr. Baker, thud Mr. Baker will also havo n closing speech. Tho univer sity, this year, probably has tho strongest represen tatives it has ever had in any Kansas dobato It is to bo hoped thoy will work together not only In order to do justlco to themselves but for tho honor of tho university Thero is undoubtedly qulto a difference between eastern ami western students but each class has pur haps excellences which the other has not. Iu tho cast, because of many generations of easy circum stances and culture an ability nnd taste for scholarly attainment is inhorited. This with tho access to gooil libraries gives tho eastern youth an earlier ac quaintance with a literary lifo. On the other hand, tho young man or woman of the west, generally in meager circumstances early learns tho necessity of plauning for tho business part of lifo To do this one must havo his wits about him and thus we linil tho western studout quick to concievu plans and eq mlly able to o trry them out. Western college stu dents havo a vim and power of pouotration common to themselves and although not as polished as thoso in the east, are quite as proficient in original investigation. Miss Mercy Walker has been on the sick list tho past weok. N. M. Graham of Clay Center visited his brother R. H. this week. Rev Dr. MoFarland of Pennsylvania lend chapel exorcises Monday morning. Tho English Club had tho moasles last Saturday night, so it failed to convene J E. Adamsou has left school to accept the prin clpalship of the schools of Broken Bow. H. L. Kimball who graduated last year and is now practicing law at Wayne, Nobr., is visiting tho Uni versity u few days. Prof. Wolfo gave tho class in psychology a whole hour for au examination last Thursday They had to tell all about "mo." Allen Fling 'Oft, who is teaching in tho Nebraska City high school has been appointed an instructor in tho Loomis institute of Chicago, Tho Wesleyan and University base ball teams played a game out at Wesloyan last Saturday. Tho score was 2fi to 10 in favor of tho University.