The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 16, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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Dr. Clark is continuing his six o'clock
training class. All those who intend to
enter tho lists on field day should com
menco to train at once.
Please remember that D. T. Smith,
jeweler 1140 0 street, will make prices
right on watches, jewelry, fountain pens
and repairing of all kinds.
Rrof. Gondrn, with the whole high
school class, visited tho geological and
zoological laboratories the first of the
Students We can save you money if
yon buy your fuel from us. We have all
kinds of Coal at reasonable prices.
Hutchins & Hyatt,
1040 O Street.
TheDelinn Musical Recital" given
last 51ay night was well rendered and
much enjoyed. Some choice selections
woro given. The Combophonic orches
tra under tho direction of 0. H. Allen
was especially good.
Gorman, French and Latin dictionar
ies will be supplied by us to students of
the university at $1.12 each. These are
WRular $1.50 editions. Book dopt. Hor
polshoimer & Co. i
Messrs Conell and Fisher gave an illus
trated geological talk at the Graham
Aaylor house last Thursday evening.
j-m is one more department contributing
is mito to tho good work being done
there. to
A now debating club called the Wr.and
i. has been formed. Meetings will be
"eld semimonthly. The officers are:
President, B. F. Reagan; vice-president.
A- Hoagland; secretary, Lewis Ryan.
Next Saturday evening the D. B. D.
debates the question: Resolved, that
he honor system is bettor than the pa
Z2T examitions. Leaders,
Woodruff, Mill s Bayer and Dudley.
Misses Ashford and McGuftoy, Messrs.
Johnson and Curtis are confmod to
their rooms with tho measles.
Last Friday it was rumored among the
Palladian girls that something out of the
ordinary was being prepared for that
evening; however tho one girl in the
secret kopt it better than a boy would
admit possible.
The U. B. D. C. inaugurated tho fol
lowing officers last Saturday evening:
0. W. Meier, preident; W. H. Rhodes,
vice president; GK E. Towlo, secretary;
J. A. Maguire, the retiring prosident,
sargeant-at-arms; John Plowhead and
A. Bolinback, attorneys.
A now annual oratorical contest has
been established in the Delian society.
0. H. Allen, D. L. Killenand J. D.Den
ison, tho originators of the movement,
each give five dollars to the winner and
the society gives ten dollars to the person
getting second place.
By visiting Herpolsheimer & Co's. new
millinery department, a lady may secure
a strictly up-to date hat without having
to pay a fancy price for it, as here, will
be found all the newest and most popular
shapes as well as the most fashionable
trimmings at the lowest prices ever quot
ed on stylish headwoar. Students trade
especially solicited.
jx.,ie n Handsome Shoe
00 iu any 0f the new shades
at the
my XA1 J--I Pf-Aw JTV
tri a"T a' xrvrn? tem
I1 wvL
See our
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