-"CTcfm" rmmi?WM wff- THE liEiSI'ERJAN 9 BLvby's Retreat. Doane Wlioro'a the h'Owl? Ro-o-o-o-o o-o-o-p-e-i -Winner in IK Stutc 'Orator- icnl contest Roiircdentntive Woostor's picture should 1k care fully placed in a frame of his mind ana stored in the archives of state. It is reported that soon after Editor It. S. Baker took the floor at a holiness mooting the other even ing he was arrested for stealing lumber. ONE GOOD MAN X.KFT. Now whon the spring election "Geutly diawoth on apace," I feel complete infection Of excitement for a place. ( Though I shall be non-partisan Through the coming fight, I'll break my neck to see complete J he triumph of the right And if bright candidates are rare I ni out, my friends and choose too mayor. STAND UV KOIt LINCOLN. Oh, let me once more hear McNoal AriHe lo serve the state r's hear him swap our wow for weals u" ''-('(lit basis straight. (,'' Ta1,n,ac 8llo,,,(J ai'Poai- again U Hoaglund should return, And Weav-r and his -right hand men" "' promises to 'burn'. Oh. call hack I.iou from afar l h Boomer and Maguire, RlcGufley shrewd, and C. M. Ularr, A' H. P. Leavett's fire, We'd save our city in a vveek Kecloom "Nebraska's pride" if niUMl be, even I could speak A little on the side. VE IUVB A WINNKIt. C::;;"lr,"r;,r,m,siv,u',i,w"'! Ht tonr. from oaoh gwollon yo, Ami tlw awftil bbUoii bnr """tin from Hi. Owl i-fiscc - A"lHByw."Nl0ht8kommtsVairt" "J,oud to win the laurels ,now iron, JhoutiivnraltviBti.i' , J ufto"u, .March 20. Comfort to California. Every Thursday evening, a tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Omalia and Lincoln via the Burlington Route. It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan; has spring seats and backs and is pro vided with curtains, "bedding, towels, soap, etc. An experienced excursion conductor and a uniformed Pullman por ter accompany it through to the Pacific coast. While neither as expensively finished nor as fine to look at as a palace sleeper, it is just as good to ride in. Second-class tickets are honored and the price of a berth, wide enough and big enough for two, is only $5. For a folder giving full particulars, call at the B. & M. depot or city office, corner of 10th & 0 streets. Geo. W. Bonnelt,, C. R & T. A. WE SET THE PACE FOR 1897. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING GO. HAS PLACED ON SALE AN Entirely New Stock OF Clothing, Hats I Furnishings. Wo kIiow more New Good than all otliur MorchniiU In Lin coln It's n Hlroiis ululin, but thoro Jk u wity of liidlnj; out. Wulk Into our HhiicIhohio Store und we will huow you more noveJtk'H in wearing upparul for men, novo und Children tint ti you ever dreumed were mudu. If we tulHleiid you, don't 'liuv. Awillmr thing, we guarantee to save you 0 w euiit on cviir dollar's worth you luiy. WE SET THE PACE THIS WEEK Willi n great Jot of Genuine EngliH'i OLAY WORSTED SUITS, for Mon, tit $5-4 PER SUIT Wliluli Ik guaranteed nil wool, fimt color, out and trlmiued oxtiollunilv. Iltiy one, and If you eau inutoh It for lew) than (7.S0, Die Mill In yourH for nothing ARMSTRONG cclo0mtphI 1013-1019 O St., Lincoln, Neb.