The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 19, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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T II B H 15 S P E It 1 A N
P. B. D. C- Wesley an Debate.
The joint debate between the Pnlladian boys' de
bating club and t lie Everet literary society of the N.
W. U. took place in tlie Wesleyan chapel last Satur
day evening. About seventy live university entbus
iasts accompanied the P. B D. C. representatives,
with appropriate yells and songs.
Before the debate there was a heated discussion
between the Wesleyan and University debaters as
MwmpL to how the question should be .-nated. The Metho
dists urged that the question as agreed on, by the
arrangement committee, should read: ' Resolved
that private and denominational colleges and uni
versities are contributing more toward civilization
than similar state institutions," despite the fact that
the question was published in the last issue of the
Wesleyan paper with the word "private" omitted.
It took nearly half an hour to convince the Metho
(lists of the error of their ways. In the meantime,
the chapel was kept ringing with yells, "John Jones"
and "Forty-nine blue bottles "
It was nearly 8:0u when President Kindlor of the
P. B. D. C. called for order, The debate which
followed Avas one of more thau ordinary merit. It
was a credit to both institutions In Messrs. Samms
Embroe and McPherrin the Methodists had able
representatives, who made strong pleas for sectarian
education. But their efforts were not equal to .the
logic of Sloan, the force of Pearson and the fluency
of Matson.
The P. B. 1) C. has been organized but little
more than a year, yet it has hold several joint de
bates and has arranged for three more this school
year. In fact the P B. D C. is now one of the
most vigorous university organizations.
The State Oratorical Contest.
The annual contest of the Nebraska State Orator
ical association will be held in the university chap
pel Friday evening, March 2.. The contest prom
ises to be one of unusual merit This year there
-will be four contestants, Each has hopes of cup
luring the prize of JS50, and of having the honor of
being the Nebraska representative in the inter bt.ito
contest Donne is going to bring u lurge delegation
of enthusiasts to shout for her man. It is expected
that delegations will accompany the other contes
tants. Not only will the contest be one of merit,
but the old time college enthusiasm will bo present
The following is p it of the contestants and their
Univority of Nebraska, R. C. Roper, "The Author
Hero of the Revolution."
Doanc College, P. W. Ohristner, "Gladstone and
University of Omahu, G. U. Lunn, "The Aspiru
lion of National Life."
Grand Island College, Miss Grace Abbott, "Will
the Republic EndureV"
The Y. M. C A. will hold a citizenship meeting
Sunday. S. F. Warren leads Every one is invited.
Ea changes.
These college men are very slow,
They seem to take their ease,
For even when they graduate
They do it by degrees.
The Univorsity of Georgia has adopted the honor
system in examinations.
The University of California is so crowded that
many of the classes have to recite in tents erected
on the campus.
The Videttc Reporter announces the expulsion of
the editor-in-chief of the Ohio Lautcrn, for denounc
ing the faculty for not attending chapel.
The Washburn weekly Review contains an editorial
on the giving of credit for work done on the college
paper. This was brought up in the College Press
Association held in Topeka, Kansas, in February
But then there is the real side of college life Up
on the new gateway at the entrance to the Cornell
campus will be placed this inscription: "To enter,
that daily thou mayst become more learned and
thoughtful; to depart, that daily thou mayst become
more useful to the country and to mankind." The
According to our exchanges, a league for the ad
vancement of Cuban interests and the encourage
ment of Cuban sympathies, is being organized in
Loland Stanford University. The idea behind this
movement is the formation of such a league in nil
colleges. The plan is being received witli enthusi
asm among college men, and has back of it w
men as Chauncey M. Depew.
Dr. Rowlands will entertain his University Biltlu
class at his home Saturday evening.
A social for mothers and daughters was given nt
the Graham-Taylor house on Tuesday evening
M. B. Reyman spont a few days visiting with life
daughter, Miss Anna Reyman, before taking an
extended trip south.
Weduesduv ovoninc a banouot was tendered Pres
ident J. M. Pile of the Nebraska Normal Collojo, at
the Lindell hotel by a numbor of his ex student.
now nttondine the university Address of welcome
-was given by tonst-muster. A. Bollonbock.
numerous toasts were given.
Nebraska Pants
AND Suit Company
1217 O St. West Half of Trunk Factory
Pants to order S3.50, $4, $5 and P
Suits, $18, $20 and up
Oloalring, Overcoating and Vesting
Goods by the yard.
All worlc first-class and gnarani