The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 19, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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'I'M IS II EH l' Kit I A N
need for a more polished and command
ing address on every side. Debates are
n good beginning but they do not supply
the need of oratorical ability as do the
contests. Logic is only convincing when
it is presentable. Each of the contest
ing schools will send strong men this
year and the chapel should be filled on
the 26th to cheer our Roper on to victory.
A splendid oration and a strong delivery
give us assurance of first place.
Jennie Guile '97 is quite ill with the
Take the Hesperian for the rest of the
year for 25 cents.
Prof. Nicholson went to Crawford
Wednesday evening.
Prof. Fling lectured before the High
fcpnool students Tuosday.
Maynie Auman is slowly recoverin
from a severe attack of tonsilitis.
The Palladian boys will give a special
Program about the first of May.
It is reported that a number of the
minors are taking dancing lessons!
Rising hall, Friday evening, March 26.
ohT1 !gma now occ"Pies the house
n the north-west corner of 25th & P sts.
be riuT? tr1' thG benefifc of ba8e bal1 will
given ,n Landing hall Friday evening.
tho0R?HS?ur?n 0f Graild 8lnd, spent
Sabbath in the city with hi brother
" ". Pearson.
J-. anint0ling talk
mosdayevemngintheY.W.C. A,
"Cblo Faun8" if 7 Haho-e's
"umbo of I ' lllusfcratinff with a
8taVin7omo CllGCted durinff her
Arrangements are being made for a
joint debate with Donne to bo hold at
Crete about the middle of May by the
Palladian boys debating club.
F. S. Culver has been compelled to
leave school for the romainder of this
year owing to sore eyes. His many
friends hope he mny bo able 1o return
again next fall.
At the P. B. 1). C. meeting Saturday
evening W. C. Green and R, H. Weasel
will urge that the legislature was not jus
tified in removing five of the Douglass
county delegation. A. 0. Garinger and
E. F. Piper will hold to the contrary.
The Delians held a business meeting
Monday afternoon and elocted the follow
ing officers: President, R. A. Emerson;
vice-president, Clifford Countryman; re
cording secretary, Margaret Countryman ;
corresponding secretary, G. I. Gates;
critic, J. A. Sargent; treasurer, Will
Horn; sergeant-at-arms, D. A. Ivillen;
slate bearer, Harry Sackett; musical sec
retaries, Bessie Walker and 0. T. Reedy.
Prof. Fling will lecture at Beatrice
April 2nd before the S. E. Nebraska
Teachers' association on "Mirabcau, the
Man and the Opportunity." Dr. Wolfe
will lecture on April 3rd on ''Child Study
Its Practical Value. ' ' Other well known
names appearing on the program are
Miss May Whiting, C. E. Williams, V.
R. McLucas, A. H. Bigolow, S &. Mar
tin and 7. W. Soarson.
The Palladian society has elected the
following officers for the spring torm:
Miss Holena Rod ford president; Miss Ida
W. Heise vice-president; Miss Manda
Sundean recording secretary; Frank Mil
ler assistant secretary; Miss Olive Thayer
corresponding secretary; E. J3. Perry
critic; R. S. Hunt treasurer; Miss Ella
Mathews historian; H. 0. Rntton music
secretary and E. F. Piper, the retiring
president, sergeant-at-arms.