THIS U ESPE1UAN Ju. She was not at all poor, but slick and fat and as graceful as a very queen of cat doni. He noticed how prettily she held her head, looking up at him when he stopped stroking her as if dumbly grate ful for his unusual kindness. "John, I guess I'll try to go today " But his wife stopped, and putting the plate of bread on the table she went slowly back to her work closing the door geutly. When she turned to her cooking, it was with tear-blinded eyes and quiver ing lips. She had never seen John petting pussy before, not even when the boy lugged it up to him and said slowly, "See the possy, papa, see 'im papa." He had always pushed the boy away and gone on with his reading. "Go away, Harry, I don't like cats." Like many other men he really had a strong aversion for the soft, gentle creatures, "two little balls of dumb intelligence and the rest rolly-polly." So he ignored the "possy" and the boy with it sometimes. How he u as stroking it softly, pulling its ears, pinching its tail lightly. But the boy was so far, so far away. F. B. Keone Abbott is suffering from a severe attack of typhoid fever. Mrs. S. R. Smith, of Lead, S. D. is visiting her daughter, Miss Sadie. Miss Florence Shank was confined to her room the first part of the week. Miss Cora Barrett spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Prairie Home. ' Mr. Pollock returned to his homo last Friday for the remainder of the school year. Revised New Testaments, 12mo clo. published at $1, for 20c at Herpolsheimer & Co. book department. Miss Van Arsdall and Mr. Marsh have joined the Palladians. Mrs. Hill of Lexington, who has been visiting her daughter Miss Emma Pyrtlo returned to her home Wednesday. The best novelty of the year is the "Yellow Kid" pen wiper which can be had at Horpolsheimers for 10c each. We have still a few of the 69c fountain pens on hand. These arel4kt gold with iridium points. Herpolsheimer & Co. book department. Prof. F. W. Taylor returned from Chi cago last Saturday. During Prof. Tay lor's absence he made several spepches in Wisconsin. The influence of the 17. of N. continues to grow. Please remember that D. T. Smith, jeweler 1140 0 street, will make prices right on watches, jewelry, fountain pens and repairing of all kinds. Prof, and Mrs. J. W. 'Adams enter tained the younger members of the fac ulty at their home last Friday night. Prosser Hall Frye read a number of poems which he had composed. Refresh ments were served at the close of the evening. Students We can save you money if you buy your fuel from us. We have all kinds of Coal at reasonable prices. Hutchins & Hyatt, 1040 O Street. Dr. Bessoy has accepted an invitation to attend an annual meeting of botanists which will be held in the Missouri Botan ical Garden in St. Louis, about the 13th of May. He will deliver an address at the banquet given in connection with tho meeting. The English club mot at the home of Miss Edith Henry last Saturday evening. A short program, consisting of sketches by Mr. Alexander, a story by Miss Henry and a poem by Mr. Sargent was render ed. The rest of the evening was spout in telling ghost stories and having a social time.