10 rp TUE DESPBIUAN I Mr. L. V. Patch returned Tuesday from Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Dr. Hodgraan's dental office, 1105 0 street. Special rates to students. Misses Bessie Lyman and Cora Barrett have joined the Union society. 1330 0 street. Jas. Kolbach custom shoe shop. Miss Jennie friiilfi snfffirftd from mi nt- tack of grip this week. Best work in the city. Merchant's Barber Shop. Dr. and Mrs. Lees are the proud par ents of a little girl. Call and see our new hydraulic chairs at 1144 0 street. R & C L. E. Mumford spent Sunday at his home near Beatrice. Boys, remember that Westerfield, the pioneer barber, gives the latest style in hair cuts 117 N 13th. Mrs. F. M. Hall entertained the uni versity Sunday School class of the first Presbyterian church at her home, 1040 D St., Monday night. Coal to burn. Charles B. Gregory, U. of N. '91, sells all kinds of coal at 1100 O street in in the basement of the Rich ards block. Students are invited to call. THE : MODEL Dining Hall 316 South Twelfth Street. First-class service. Meals quickly and tastily served. Table Board $3 per Week. Bp9cial rates for students. Meals 15 cents Entirely Now assortment of Neckwear ,ML 117 So. nth. The nobbiest suitings and trous erings, to be seen are at ... . Bu instead & Turtle's, 317 SOUTH 11TH. Cataphorctis for Painlcst Filling. DR. F. D. SHERWIN, DENTIST. Room 17 Burr Block; Second Fl ior A. KRONER The Leading Hatter & Furnisher A complete assortment of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Un derwear, Hosiery, etc., at popular prices. ml iopr. ct. Dis. to Students Q39 O St "' "JI-jTSfc ?"' r 1 tun fat trim M 'H'tiy In YOVplayr ' WAittSim" Ho Home if fceally Complete Without a new IB97 Model W-t144 44 Guitar, Mandolin, ff aStlDUm Banjo or Zither. Vrlces have been scaled down as a result of the Washburn's enormous popularity o that now "" can buy a genuine Wakbbura of the very latest design From $15.00 Upward. The new Washburn Mandolin Is a radical depart tire from former styles. It Is the neatest, duintiesi and lightest Mandolin Imaglnahle, and ilfcloi "t' proiicbes very near toilmt of it fine old Cremona Violin. Wasfiburus are sold at fixed and uniform prices by all f'2rst'-clasjnuHlc dealers everyliere. WjishWnbiirethe acknowledged standard of tlie world. J hey are used exclusively!" the leadlm. Artists. Teachers and Oh Clubs. Our new . burn catalogue containing rKirtraltt v over J" Artists and full Information, prices, endorsements. eU, Jll be sent free on receipt of application. J i your local dealer cannot supply you we will senu Wimhburns C. O. I. with privilege of examination, direct from the factory. A Washburn Improves lth age " Olft that Increase In value as the years go vy It 1 really worth many times Its cost. LYON & HEALY, Corner Wabash Ave. and AaaiM SU Chic. O