The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 12, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Til fl II UN P Mlil A N
College of La to Xotes.
Tho juniors havo taken up justice prae
tico under Mr. Robbins.
Work on tho Senior law annual is be
ing pushed to ils utmost.
Tho bill of D. Clem Doavor pertaining
to tho requirements for admission to the
bur has been indefinitely postponed by
the house.
Lmportant changes arc to bo made in
tho Maxwell club. It is rumored that
tho Greeks will be excluded from mem
bership. A joint debate has been arranged be
tween the U. B. D. C, and the Maxwell
club. Peerless Baker is one of tho Union
representatives. Now men, men who at
least do not rank highest, will represent
the Maxwells.
Sixty-six are now registered in the col
lego of law, twenty-three of whom have
degrees. Law students are proud of this
showing. They are also proud of tho
fact that two of their number ns against
one from the 1500 students of the uni
versity proper, will stand up for our alma
niatnv in the Kansas-Nebraska debate.
Y. M. C. A.
Dr. Hiudman's talk to the Y. M. 0. A.
was greatly enjoyed by the boys. His
words were of practical benefit.
Tho business meeting was not so well
attended as it should have been. The
report of the nominating committee was
accepted as given and the officers elected
by uuanimons vote.
We have still a few of the o'Oc fountain
pens on hand. Those areHkt gold with'
iridium points. Llerpolshoimor & Oo.
book department.
All Hesperian subscribers who do not
get their papers will please drop a noto
in the business manager's box so he
can send you another copy.
X of ice.
All subscribers who have not paid thoir
subscription will do tho business mana
gers a great favor if they will settle at
once. It is now near the close of the
school year and all subscriptions immt be
Prof. 0. E. Bessey is going to give u
series of four lectures on "The Teaching
of Botany in High Schools." The lec
tures will be given on Tuesdays from 5
to G, in room 15, Nebraska Hall. The
first lecture will occur March 23.
L. V. Patch has not been in scIiojI
this woek owing to tho serious illness of
and death of his grandmother. She has
been staying with him hero in Lincoln.
Mr. Patch and his sister left Thursday
evening with the body, for Mt. Pleasant,
Lowa, where it will be interred.
Tho Graham Taylor house is reopened
and work of all committees is in I'm I pro
gross. Only a few mild eases of scirkt
fever have occured in the neighborhood
and workers need have no hesitation in
going lo the house again, as the rooms
Lave all been most thoroughly disen
fected. Senator Thurston has sent to the Col
lege Settlement 250 packages of garden
seeds for free distribution. It is hoped
to secure also donations of flower seeds
and thus enable the Board of Control to
give work and amusement to both boys
and girls who now Hock to the Graham
Taylor house in increasing numbers.
The inmates of the "Home of the
Blessed," Messrs Heitzman, Wilson,
IDckor, Kennedy and Abbott initiated
five young ladies into the mysteries of
their "Llome" last Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace chaperoned the
party. Refreshments prepared by the
young men, were served in elegant style.
The young ladies were Misses Dempster,
Shank, Mickey, Chappell and MeCnne.
Revised New Testaments, 12mo clo.
published at $1, for 20c at Horpolsheiiner
& Oo. book department.