'P l'UE LIES I' 10 R I AN Roper and Den iso n the Winners. MUUII KNTIIUSIASM A GOOD CONTEST, The ninth iinmiiil oratorical contest of the local association ocourcd last Friday evening. No ono can how say that oratory in tho university of Ne braska is dead. It is not. Scarcely a seat in tho lower part of the chapel was unoccupied, Old time enthusiasm was there. For half an hour before tho contest college songs and yells kept tho old chapel ringing. It was nearly half past eight when President Gra ham called order and announced that tho lirst num ber was music by tho ldea4 Mandolin (Jlub Re sponse was made to an eucoro K C Roper now stepped forward as tho lirst con testant lie had a look of lirmness and genuine Mnecriiy. His subject was, "Tho Author Hero of tin Revolution." The production was au able effort to show that Thomas Pniuo hae been done an injus tice by oritur and tho public generally. Tho speak or thought it all due to the fact that Tom Paino was eamliil ami outspoken No effort was made to justi fy Pnliiw's religions views It vas simply a plea that us lulif-ious liberality should not Keep us from giv ing bim credit for being what ho ii,,tho author hero Uhu revolution. Mr. itoper employed fow gestures. Hi) lacked animation. But Ids directness, clearness auti earnestness made his hearers feel tlmi he was sincere in every word ho uttered MUs Esther Smoyer followed Mr. Roper. Iler snbj.'ct . as, "llicr btuli Ich " It was au impressive l"g' ot Martin Luuier tho linn, uuroloutiug, per wjvoring Ucrman reft), mor Tho subject was treat- . ,l 8trlkB Hturary uiamiHi Mi.S3 Smoyer was aMimateil, her stage appearance graceful. A L. Deal was the next eontestant. lie chose for " -""'J ect the "Practical Truth of Theosophy." The "eminent ot the subject showed careful thought nud "eparation. Mr De:d suffei oil from rather nn im pelled delivery. After u vocol solo by Miss Hnrunby, Mr. U O. M ? ",T,ko uu- ,,Joll Adams - Tho production veil historical research and power of discrimi- ". Mr. Urown's delivery was somewhat uiiiin- piosive, h. llager was the next speaker. His oration 1, l) t,)l fu" "Municipal Reform." Mr. liager "jngly denounced the corruption found in our city to is closing with a plea for all the better citizens men" vi" 'lt'SL f ,,otl n,uiU)al govern lilsii.'ii. XlxfA stugu appearauco was the best, " lfh very forceful. Jtet 1Jei!,8UM lhu ,ttSt 'Uor, chose for his sub a i-u'mni, JriuniMl,ttnt UeuiuiTuoy." His oration was or 2 mfl5ha f lhu nW ol Plo "Pinion J "rf," Ul0gy of Ul0d mocraoy. To "B"t, climnxes, stage appearance and gestures. Ho was a favorite with tho audience from tho lirst. When he closed his Uelian and law lriends were confident After several selections by tho Ideal Mandolin Club, President (iraham camu forward and announc ed that the judges had awarded Mr. Roper lirst prize and Mr. Denison second, Tho lirst prize is t5l) and the lienor of representing tho university in the State contest. Tho second is $2o and chairmanship of tho di legation to tho state convention. Judges on manuscript were: Prof. 11. K. Wolfe, Prof. L A. Sherman and Will O Jones; delivery: Prof J. T. Lees, Judge A. W. Field and 11, 11. Wil. son. Air. Denison led, on grades by per cents. Hut Mr. Roper led, on grades according to rank, by two thirds ot ono ratiK and hence was declared tho winner P. B, D. C. vs Wesley an. The joint debate between the Pallndian boys de bating club tuid iheEvorot literary society ot Wes loyau uuivor.-ily occurs tomorrow ovening. Tho debate will be held in the W'osloyau chapel. S. H. Sloan, J K. Peaisou and (J. E. Matsou will repre sent the P. U. D (J. They have the negative of the questiou, "Resolved, that denominational eollo-es and universities are contributing more towaid civi lization than similar state institutions," A delega tion of iJaliadi.uis will accompany the debaters with a full supply of songs and yells. Union Alumni Program. Piano Solo Selected - Harry Hriggs Greetings from Absout Alumui Vocal Solo "The Quaker" "Incidents of Gorman Life" Piano Solo Selected Story "Mandy" "Why wo go to Germany to Study" 11. C. Peterson, 8U Violin Solo Selected Walter Uhriutanson Grace Reynolds, H. A. Sentor, '93 Harry Hriggs Anna Prey, '90 On Saturday night tho D. H. D. C. will discuss tho question Resolved: that the ameiidmoiit to the con stitution ot the U. S. onlranobishig the negro should not have been adopted. Leaders, allirmative, E. It. Vandersliee, U. H. Warner; negative, It. li. Payne, R. Simpson. Nebraska Pants AND Suit Company 1217 o St. West Half of Trunk Factory Pants to order 13.50, $4, $5 and up Suits, $JS, $20 and up Cloaking, Overcoating and Vesting Goods by the yard. Ail work first-class and guaranteed m