TUB UESI'RKIAN Bi.vby's Retreat. Oratory a la Dcnison suprcma est. Our Chape! Rule of Throe: -Empty scats: seit fctkrn mosquitoes: Saville's whiskers. ax opes? LE-rmt to the devil Dear l)vil:-As I have been i intimate terms with you for some time I feel free to mike a request. Inilielilimryuf the state university of Nebraska, thorea some n-dsc To stop this noise I have a aschem-.-but first let me say that Philbrick, Julius Selwstun IXttmar, Mumford and Pillsbury never jiMurb the peic-e on any pretext The Baker Rc. form Rules have been posted in the Seminar room ami sometimes the silence is so dense there as to tae to he da, out in nll fragm,nt.s with a pick, av Then. Is never a dislurlau-e in the , ,. SSS,?,"0,- We ,,av" :l,rt!:u,y cxha"sted - 12 CT pT" a,Ml "r own . The ta i11 "' ste Militia, and U. S Reg.,. Si H i.en."UWMirely uoned without fSLf 4e,l,lorUh n!fneln ,,,otJS ''ear ,1' uphth: As you have mlw7 f 3 ""r "-" tbo only elTec Z 'vr "r decadence. Can yu lo,ir "Bhe.- AXIUIKSOX MAKES LOVE. Hie IVIians oim,i;.u .1 ,. J ;' IPrb for programs rare Wilder they have a SWI! affair. I'm told. Ih duky iid0ignr t.K, ,vtreat .. -Wo sees JaJ,.r . Mret.t An'' nilK- Mihful friend to greet. .... So bold. . , And tlicti -WrttwnWoot.fallg q;k roiraat theaaricand?. ,Jaart """ it normal beat , Again. mkiklkv sri(icri,r IN IT .UrtS"-'P' And then to supplement the text M'Kinloy's journey was related : Dear frieuds, I cannot tell what nextr Just then I died and was translated. l'OLI.AKI'a CONSTITUENTS WITH HIM; AVE tltr K SL'.V-OF-A-GUK. ' Communicated. 1 Yes, sonny, thats so. Id eighty-nine E. M. to Iarnin' took a shine, Went to the Uni and jest did One! E. M. Pollartl. An you'll admit he worked a heap To dig that mine o'larnin' deep, 1-ong alter you was sound asleep, E. M. Pollard. A young hard-working chap, and, sir, Too kind to kick a barkin cur. Or you'd be supplicatin ter . , T E.E. Pollard. is pose I'm consumate,-chump " An ortor let the matter pass: Bnt, sir, we're with him here in Cass, E. M.' Pollard, ion prate at "Nebraska's loyal son;" But, sir, you rantin son of a gun, lour neck will crack afore you've done E. M. Pollard. A Practical Pant Sale . At the . Armstrong Clothing Co.'s This Week. .over .'J000 Men's and Youth's odd Pants on "sale at 68e on the dollar. Call and investigate 1897 Spring hats all in, we will be glad to show yon through and will guarantee to give yon more Style and Quality for the money than any other house in the stale. Elegant Spring Stiff Hats from ojc to $4. 00. 'AGO Dozen New Spring Neckwear Just jufceiveu. : : ; ; """lew in ..irr"1 - t inrown. 90ua bv hi l.lj .... . r. H- laid , . . " ,ty ,,tt ,nrt,llikw.w.,idiW WE ARE HEADQUARTERS, For Ma;!ialtoii Colored Shirts. : ; ; Armstrong ClothiDg Co. 1013 to 1019 O St., Lincoln. u- m V 4