The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 05, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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    r'l'i K ii'Ksr Kin a n
The Local Contest
THE "LMlOfiH.Ol,
The local oratorical contest will take
plaoe this evening. The standing of the
contestants assures a lively contest. The
following is the program:
Instrumental Music, Ideal Mandolin Club
Oration, "The Author ELero of the Rev
olution R. 0. Roper
Oration " flier Stehzeh" Esther Smoyer
Oration "The Practical Truth of Theo
sophy" A. L. Deal
Vocal solo Miss Barnaby
Oration "John Adams" C. 0. Brown
Oration "Municipal Reform"
G. E. Hager
Oration Triumphant Democracy"
.1. D. Dennison
fudges on manuscript, Prof. H. K.
Wolfe, 1V.I'. L. A. Sherman and Will
Owen Jones. Delivery, .ludge A. W.
Field. Prof. J. T. Lees and H. H. Wilson.
College of Law Notes.
HHftH li. DATA', "KEWKTEll.
Several or the Seniors have completed
1-lieir theses.
The law school has two orators 'in the
local contest.
. The junior law class is one of the "bus
iest classes in the university.
Ieun Reese began his course of lec
tures on medical jurisprudence Wednes
day. ,J1longh the attendance at the Maxwell
lnb wo ot large last Saturday evening
mj interest was manifested.
'N iuw seniors held a meeting Satur
day moruing to protest against senate
J No. 232. This is a bill to lower the
WariTE f01' a(lmissio to the bar.
,lfl Hddreth, G, W. Green and.'iT.
liberty -were elected as a committee to
'Weat the measure.
The Union girls arc preparing a pro
gram for March 19.
Dr. Peterson lectured before the wo
man's club Monday afternoon.
Mr. Butler lectured to the class 'in
journalism Tuesday morning on "liibel
Miss Anna Anderson returned 'to
school Monday after an absence of a "week
on account of sickness.
Dr. Senter has offered a course in'gjl ass
blowing. The first meeting of tihe class
took place Saturday morning.
The quarantine on account of scarlet
fever in the college settlement has been
removed and the committees are again
at work.
The Y. W. C. A. gives a Soap Social
next Saturday evening in its rooms in
the main building. Everybody is cor
dially invited.
Dr. Ward is attending farmers' insti
tutes throughout the state this week.
Zoology claswes are enjoying "exams"
during his absence.
Dr. Hi man will talk to tho Y. M. G.
A. on "Spiritual Discernment" next'Sun
day at 4 o'clock. All young men are
cordially invited to come.
Next Saturday March 6, the regular
business meeting of the Y. M. C. A. as
sociation will be held. The reports xf
all committeess for the past year will Ke
given and business of importance will "be
attended to.
Last Saturday the Delian girls planned
to treat the boys to a sleigh ride. But
by night Old Sol had made a sleigh ride
out of the question. A feed at a popular
caterers was substituted. Miss Country
man was at her best as toast mistress.
There were about fifty members present.
One of the best programs to be given
this year by the litemiy societies is "being
arranged for Friday evening March 12,
bv the Union society. It will be an
alumni program. Among thosewhowill
take part are Dr. Peterson and Dr. Ren
ter who have recently returned trom
Germany. Mr. Lehmer will give a
whistling solo.