The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 05, 1897, Image 3

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Vol. XXVI.
In calm, thy waters kiss the pebbled strand,
Great pines gleam green in thy untroubled breast
Tumultuous brooks rush forth to greet thy rest,
And peace is law throughout the bord'ring land.
In storm, thy billows dnsh against the sand
A restless, seething sea of green distressed,
Whoso anger bursts in roars from crest to crest,
And stills its passion but at Gods command.
I love thee in thy calm and quiet play,
When thou dot sooth the wearied heart of all;
Dost lift man's song in restful melody.
Hut when nmjestie rago controlls thy way
I love thee best 'tis then that Nature's call
Awakes in man heart-music wild and free
Sc ratal in Blue.
My head uohecl. I was morally certain
that I hurt failed in that examination and
nil night 1 had been dreaming of the Tar
tarian dungeons prepared for those who
luivo 'flunked." So, over my boarding
house coffee and melancholy pan cakes,
I decided to go to church.
The frosty, scattered boards of the
walk were melancholy reminders ioUk
mal hearthstones warmed by $uwS&
But such gloomy thoughts were soon
scattered by the gorgoous costumes float
g along before me. A little maid of
seven was walking with her chin veyy
much elevated ; so much that over her
white hood I caught a glimpse of her
mall nose, like a strawberry in a dish of
ice-cream. By her side walked a tinier
Miss who carried a small muff swung
with pink ribbons from her shoulders.
Ahoy both looked curiously at a boy
who was crossing the street before thorn.
boy who held his bare hands in the
pockets of his corduroy coat, but who
wore a fresh paper colar. Even the high
oard fence at the corner was covered
ffith a fYftsh poster whom a romarknblv
high stepping young woman in sky-blue
knight errant costume was holding 'up
for inspection a dainty blue handkerchief.
But the little maids in their downy
hoods were even now disputing the ire
spective merits of their patent leather
shoe tips. And as the boy passed it was
ipairifully evident that the paper collar
encased a grimy neck. wondered if
tihe young woman in blue hid under that
profusion of dainty frills, guilty remorse
ful thoughts.
I went into the church and sat in a
gallery seat, where the reflected glory o'f
the windows would not cover my head
with ghastly green and crimson. The
minister announced as his text, the 'book
of Job. There was a solace; but "Job
was x perfect man." There could be lit
tle in his philosophy for those who
"flunk." He could afford to be a phil
osopher; in fact he couldn't be anything
else. I dismissed Job, and listened to
the three friends. The young man who
spoke when the three were tired was
dwelt upon at length by the aged speaker
who called the youth a "strut" and held
him up to such scathing contumely that
I concluded that the good old man had
probably been discussing Jonah and 'tihe
whale, with some University freshman.
Then Job's defense was treated; a good
man had a right to defend himself. A
christian had a right to vindicate !his
good name, "by force if noeessary-
physical violence."
r looked at the minister, gray-'hairofl,
erect, his hand on the 'Bible, at 'the
great congregation, from the two white
hoods on the front seat to the groen Ihtt't
with green plumes thnt topped the'high-