The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 26, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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The Local Contest,
The local oratorical contest will take plare in the
university chapel Friday evening, March fl. That
it is to he one of the hardest fought contests in the
history of the university i? now a settled fact.
Six orators have entered the contest They are
all earnestly and effectively preparing for the de
cisive event. Among the contestants is one who lias
been in the Iowa state contest. Two acquitted
themselves creditably in society contests. Tim
other three have more than a local reputation for
their forensic ability.
The contestants are Miss Ester V. Smoycr, Messrs
G. E. Hager J. D. Dennison, R C. Roper, U. O.
Brown and A. L Deal. The judges on manuscript
are Prof. H. K. Wolfe, Dr. Johnson and Will Owen
Jones; on delivery, Hon. W. J. Bryan. Judge A. W.
Field and Senator Win. Hearing.
Basket Ball,
The return game of basket ball between the Y. M
C. A. and the university team was played in the
armory Tuesdav evening. The result was a score
of 23 to 14 in favor of the University teams. The
officials were: referee, E. E Swvariuger; umpire,
Dr. John White and E E Clemmens; time-keeper,
F. F. Hill. Although the score ran high, the game
was one of the hottest that has been played in the
At the end of the first half the score stood 9 to i in
favor of the visitors but during the .second half our
boys took a brace and some excellent work was done.
Stebbins threw four goals from field during the sec
ond half and Morrison won applause by his interfer
ence and passing. Green and Placek also did some
tine work. Dogny, Lfcwis and A. Bcntley carried
off the honors for the Y. M. (J, A
Just before lime was called, Burks was substituted
for Dennisou.whosc eye collided withTronipeu's fin
gei. The players were: Y. M. C. A , Hill. Trompen
A. Bentle.v, Ed. Bentley, Stilson, Dogny and Lewis;
University, Gutleben, Placek, Green, Dennison,
Wartield, Morrison and Stchbius.
Palladia n New Members' Program.
J'alladian hall was more than comfortably tilled
last Friday evening. It was all caused by the deep
uiyhtcrie.sMirroundiiig.that annual circus the new
iiiembei'h' program
The first scene was a representation of Hades,
without the lire and brimstone, where all of the
historical men and women worth mentioning, relat
ed their experiences while on earth Hermes, Plato,
Socrates, Elizabeth, Cleopatra, Caesar, Diogenes,
Columbus, Sitting Bull, Virgil, Wolsey and Henry
VIII were all there. Could Caesar or Virgil have
heard the eloquence of these modern Romans, they
would certainly have revised the Latin language
Each part was well carried out according to the
customs of the time and with an occasional "hit"
the whole was made still more pleasing.
The second scene was a succession of "happy
strokes" such as "Grovor's Pastime," "The Frat's
Reward," "Speaker Gaflin and Foot ball" and "Do
mestic Quarrels." They were all original and
plainly showed the new members' ability as future
playwrights. The three tableaux, The Dauco of the
Muses. The Dance of the Flowers and The Dressing
of the Bride were exceptionally good. The young
ladies were beautifully dressed and the poses were
in perfect harmony The music was excellent. The
solos by Miss Slade were especially good. Mr.
Davis, Misses Henry, Reed, Lewis and Morton fa
vored the audience with pleasing selections.
Victor Roscwater Will Talk.
Dr. Victor Rosewater will address the Political
Economy club next Tuesday evening. The lecture
will be given in the university chapel. The subject
of the address is "Difficulties of City Charter
Making "
All Junior Annual matter .should be in by Maivh 15
Edward Everett Hale will be our commencement
A number of Palladians formed a sleighing paity
Thursday night.
R. M. Cushnian has been appointed assistant in
the organic chemistry laboratory.
Miss Edna Curtiss is taking a course in shorthand
at the Lincoln Busiucss College.
(J. J. Allen has been called to his home at Dawson
on account of the serious illness of his father.
The business managers of the Junior Annual say
that all space in the Aunual must Imj paid for by the
tirstof March.
Tins enthusiasm of a mouth ago, in regard to the
Junior Annual of the class of 9, seems to be some
what lagging
Prof. 'Jaldwell's class in history is studying the
constitutionality of slavery and the causes that led
to the Civil war.
The Chancellor gave an interesting talk to the
Electrical Engineers last evening. He is now
honorary member of that society.
C. M. Barr has started a reading circle in Litcli
Held. It is h notieable fact thai University students
lead the educational movements in their respective
The committee having in charge thr college set
sternum employment bureau, request that atudcuts
wanting "soft washing" done consult with the mem
burs of this committee.
Monday night a party of Unions took the snow by
the forelock and enjoyed a sleigh ride After riding
for a couple of hours and making the night hideous
with Union and university yells, they repaired to the
home of Miss Chappell and partook of refreshment