The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 26, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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V U K L! 12 a 1' E R 1 A N
through the prescribed curriculum. We
must come in touch with our fellow stu
dents socially. He who shuts himself up
to continual perusal of the knowledge
which is inscribed between book covers,
will soon find himself out of touch with
the world. The day of the scholastic
monk is past. Let us quit living the
hermit and learn to sympathize with and
understand our fellow mortals.
George Porter spent Sunday with his
parents at Unadilla.
Call and see our new hydraulic chairs
at 1144 0 street. R & C.
Miss Ora Seely of Nebraska Gitv vis
ited university friends last week.
Principal J. W. Orabtree of Beatrice
was a university caller Saturday.
Prof. Sherman addressed the univer
sity . . ( a. Sunday afternoon.
Professor Peterson dismissed his classes
Monday on account of a severe cold.
Miss Emily Weeks has been unable to
attend school the past week on account
f sickness.
Uiss Barr, instructor in the gymnasium
department, is suffering from a severe
attack of the grip.
Dr. Bessey has just received notice of
f faction as viee-president of the
American Forestry Associasiou.
The Glee ciub will starfc Qn itg toup Qf
estate the 15th of March. The club
"be accompanied by Prof. Kimball.
M Katharine Meli-jk left Saturday
Jniffto begin W work as English
r, the Red Oak, Town, High
Elrnl('T'e11 f '95' wh0 is toaoWng at
wood, spent Saturday and Sunday
"diversity. tte,l,aintoill8'w nd the
jtol to burn. CharleK B. Gregory, U.
(Jf5t;Jl'8rHs11 kinds of coal at 1100
Mtr!k1',e,baSe,ne,,fc0fthe Rich"
,IOf. Students are invited to call.
Best work in the city. Merchant's
Barber Shop.
Miss Sara Yore Taylor '96, of South
Omaha spent Sunday in Lincoln.
Miss Vesta Gray '94, of Fremont, at
tended the Phi Beta Kappa reception.
Prof. A. W. Clark of the State Normal
spent Tuesday with his sister, Miss Clark
of the state university.
0. H. Allen who has been serving on
a jury for the past three weeks has re
sumed his work in school.
All young men who intend to play ball
in the class teams should hand their
names in to the managers at once.
Watch for the adv. of Perkins & Shel
don which will soon appear in these
columns. Meanwhile call around and
try our shoes and you'll never leave us.
1129 0 street.
On Saturday night the D. B. D. C. will
debate the question, "Resolved: That a
five-sixth vote of a jury should be suffi
cient to render a verdict." All young
men are invited to come and take part
in the debate.
The University Newman (Catholic)
society elected the following officers last
Friday evening: J. A. Maguire, presi
dent; Patrick Roddy, vice president;
Miss MoLaughlan,recordingsecretary and
G. W. Ashford, corresponding secretary.
The English club met last Saturday
evening with Miss Lucy Green. The
following program was rendered: Sketch
Miss Smoyer; stories by Prof. Thurber,
Keene Aobott, Misses Henry and Walk
er. Refreshments were served after
which a short business session was held.
The "Boysv and "Girls" of theDelian
society are having a program contest.
The boys give their program tonight and
the girls hold forth one week hence. The
winners will enjoy a feast at the expense
of the losers. Several Delian girls have
been heard to ask the price of oysters in