The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 19, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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    Til K II US l K II I A N
College Laze Xotes.
lirnil 15. 1ULY, MJVOHTRli.
Chas. M ousel wis confined to bis room
tin latter part of lust week with the grip.
W. 11. llayward has reentered school
tnltinic up the work of the Senior class.
Peace reigns in the Maxwell Clnlt. The
debating element of the law school is
once more in control.
X. 0. Johnson of Geneva, a graduate
os the Tniversity of Chicago, has taken
iii the work of the Junior class.
All the present officers of the Max
well cluh, are staunch barbarians, with
I lie exception of the sergeant-at-arms.
The Senior class recently elected the
following officers: 1. P. G-ordon, pres
ident; E. 0. Jones, vice-president;
Frank Gtiston, secretary $ John Carr,
treasurer; 1). S. Wilson, sergeant-at-anns.
The anticipated scrap in the Maxwell
Hub, last Saturday evening, did not ma
terialize.. The following officers were
dwtwl: D. L. Wilson, presibont; E.
Jones' vice-president: J. A. Brown, sec
tary; F. Kemp, treasurer and A. S.
White, sergeant-at-arms.
The Junior law class has elected the
blowing officers: O. W. Belden, presi
't; W. H. Uyatu seoretary. L A
i oung, sergeant-at-arms. Mr. Daly was
w wjted re)orter for t he Hesperian. Pres-
T,1'11 aW)oirjted B- W. Wilson
ll)'l !. Tissue as an executive committee-
v. m. a a.
jj expected that the report of the
NuSv ' (min1tfcee wiI1 be iv011 liext
ir.vln sem.i-.flllll)l reception was an en-
J ) aij e ailair. A large number of friends
trese and after a short but ex-
Jnefltothe Y, M. C.A. pari or, where an
interesting library of young men, awaited
the young ladies for three minute read
ings. Kefreshmenbs wore served and the
company slowly broke up. The Glee
Club again domonst sated its power to
The Nebraskan, a paper published at
the Stale University, prin d last week a
page containing the entire contents of
'The Hesperian" another and a rival
publication at the university. It is inti
mated on another page that the excerpt
is printed in derision, but to the unbiased
reader that particular page which, hap
pens to be the fourth, contains the only
matter of any literary merit in the paper.
The poem signed by Annie Prey and en
titled "Hachel," is sensuous, simple, and
full of poetic feeling. The criticism on
Kipling's "Captains Courageous' shows
critical acumen and is very interesting.
The rest of .he page is made up of coll
ege news and witticisms. The other
three pages contain dreary,commonplaces
sweetened with a self complacency and
self consiousness that would nauseate
everybody but the partizan readers of a
college paper. The Hesperian, on the
contrary, shows no traces of such crude-'
ness. If the page reprinted bjT the Ne
braskan is a fair sample of its issues the
latter paper should study it with humil
ity that might improve its style. Lin
coln Courier.
Concert Y. M. C. A. Glee Club at
the city Y. M. C. A. Building, Saturday
evening, Feb. 20. Admission 25 cents.
Seats may be reserved at. the city Y. M.
C. A. building for 10 cents extra.
The Misses Bartz, Barkley, Rosa, Mc
Oallum and Messrs. Dennison, Garrett,
Kosa and McCallum were received into
the Delian society at its last meeting.
The "Association of Agricultural Stu
dents" hold meetings at the farm every
Thursday evening. Literary and debat
ing programs are given. All are cordi
ally invited to attend.
The Chancellor gave a reception to
Williams College Alumni at the Lindell,
Tuesday evening, after President Garter's
t 1