The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 19, 1897, Page 10, Image 10

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    '' "
tm 'ia-siijn'iAN
Comfort Ho Oalivforiiid.
livery Thursday evening, a tourist
sleeping cm- for :Salt Lake Oity, San
Francisco and Los Angeles loaves Omaha
and Lincoln via the Burlington Route.
'It is eai'peted ; upholstered in rattan ;
has spring seats and backs and is pro
vided -vrith curtains, bedding, towels,
soap, etc. An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed Pullman por
ter accompany it through to the Pacific
While neitlier as expensively finished
nor as fine to look at ;as a palace sleeper,
it is just asgood to ridein. Second-class
'tickets are honored and 'tlie price of 'a
bortih, "wide enough and big enough for
two, is only 5.
Hor a folder giving full particulars,
call at the T$. & M. depot or city 'Office,
corner of 10th & 0 streets.
G-eo. W. JBokxeMi,
'C. P. & T. A.
Jl, trfntowmr? n
'The Leading Hatter & IFawnds'laer
Aco'mplete assortment of !Hats,'Caps,
Shirts, 'Collars, 'Cuffs, Neckwear, Cn
'cldrwoar, 'Hosiery, etc., at popular
p'rices; n-g
iiolpr. ct. iDis. WStuHents. 'Q$g 0 St
iBatfber Spoil and iBaffih R'tfcffifs
Special Rates to Stu ileitis
'itteNorth nth Street. teiclimtisWk
AND .Suit CwMpariiy
lfJ17 u St. .AV(st Hull" or Trunk Fuot.oi'v
Pants to order ?. 50, $4-, $5 and nip
Suits, '$1'8, $20 and up
Cloaking, Overcoating and Positing
All nvo'rl- "firsti-eiass wnfl guaraufteed
A (Ghavming (Book Mbont fOU
Violinists everywhere will hail with de
light he beautifully printed and anthori
'ta'tively written book about 'Old Violins,
Ijust published by Lyon& 'Mealy, Ohioago.
The fact that tbis volume contain, as an
appendix, a list of the old violins .fferod
for sale by Lyon and Healy, and will
'therefore be sent freonpon application (to
violinists only,) does not. detract from its
literary value nor from the loen interest
with which its fac-simile labels and other
quaint illustrations will be Viewed. It is
safe to sav that any lover of the fiddle
might sock a long time before be could
'find another volume whose pf'i'nsal would
afford -him sueh a fund of entertainment.
The short biographies-of the famous vio
lin makers are wonderfully complete mid
comprise a host of fresh anecdotes that
must prove vastly interesting to violinists
'groat and small.
'("Old Violins'' 2-75 iPnges 'Free to
violinists only, Lyon & 15ealy, 'Chicago )
ws3!?i5"& J
rAn tffti
'Why' Do Wptay' J msiauifii '
Tfo Home is Really Complete
Without a uew 189 Model
WaSllljUm Baiir Zither"'
Prices Jmvo been Milled down iib ajemUot the
AVtwIihiirn's enormous popularity so that mivj
rim buy ti genuine Wwchburii of the very latest design
From Sis.oo'Upwuril.
'Hie new Wmhhiirn "Mandolin Isn radical Jepartj
lire from former xtyles. It '"-thoneiitest, li o ue
mill Huhtest "Miiiulolln Imaginable, a'd, 7?" "L
pmticliuB very near to Unit of u line old ere mo".i
Violin. "Wuslihurns lire bold tit fixed nnd "l)"rm
iirlcs hy nil lirst'-cliisv, music dealers cvervwiiere.
HViilitiiirns nre the acknowledged Mamlatil l "
wmlil. Iliey lire lined exclusively by the le-'J'
A i lists, -I fiirtier and CJIee Clubs. Our new inm
burn r.itnlosrue containing portrait of ""i" J,r"
rtlt 1.11111I full Infommtlon, nrlce, em orse nenr,
-etc., will be tent free on rwclpt of application. '
jyciur local dealer cannot supply you ;wo "
Ylviwhbiirns ". O. D. with privilege of examination,
-direct from tbeftirtory.
A Washburn Improves wlth utre 'ona-mafcefl i a
'(Wt'tlmt Increases'ln-value ntftlie"yeuruo 'Dy.
'torner'WaboMi Ave. und Adamu'St., 'Chicago.