23252? THE HESPERIAN ; 5. L. Q. Oratorical Contest, Tho student body who are interested in oratory turned out to hear the fourth annual Senter Lehmer Quaintance eon test. A number of good musical select ions were rendered which gave variety to the program. Mr. J. P. Cameron was the first speak er. He took for his subject "Capital Punithment Should be Abolished." He showed that the effect of the different modes of capital punishment have in creased instead of redu ing the number of crimes. Mr. Cameron is a clear, forcible speaker, although he seemed rather hurried. Mr. G. E. Ilager appeared at his best on the subject of "Municipal Reform." Ho believes that the way to reform our city government is to begin at the pri maries and not allow the slugs and bums to name the candidates. Respec table citizens remain at home during the primaries and then complain of the party tickets. Mr. Hager has the prime ivquisitcs for an orator, both in delivery and manuscript. "un" was the subject chosen by Mr. Or. Kinton. He brought forward the mea that there is fun in everything we (to with satisfaction to ourselves. A man vuo has no fun in him therefore is a mMco to the world and should be l";j"i itli accordingly, llii' judges gave Mr. Hager first and w. Umeron second place. ?lon lll one Palladian boy was sur- l"isei. lasi week when ho received notice j.ll for his lady, Friday evening, at m ,7 street. Some weakly constituted outh inquired of an older Pall, what it weunt! Tho older youth looked suspic- a- ooino comparisons were made. J toy was to call at 7:19 another at J-.1. A scries of caucuses followed. WKor was the only boy who failed to ' "conspiracy. He went alone The Junior and Senior girls of the society had planned a brief social affair at the home of Miss Nettie Phil brick. Light refreshments were served. After this, adjournment was taken to Palladian Hall. The literary program was of unusual merit. The Senior class held a meeting last Friday and elected officers for the last time as a university organization. The following were chosen: President, Frank Philbriek ; vice-president, Chas. Conover secretary, Georgia Camp; treasurer, Eva O'Sulivan. A committee consisting of Mes&ers Manley, Alexander, DoBrava, Misses Camp and Wort were elected to write a play to bo given by tho class on Class Day. Concert Y. M. C. A. Glee Club at the city Y. M. C. A. Building, Saturday evening, Feb. 20. Admission 25 cents. Seats may bo reserved at the city Y. M. C. A. building for 10 cents extra. Watch for the adv. of Perkins & Shel don which will soon appear in these columns. Meanwhile call around and try our shoes and you'll never leave us. 1129 0 street. The check room is steadily gaining in favor. Miss Lillio limner of West Point, is visiting her sister. Mrs Manning's class in elocution will give a reci tal Feb. 17 The Electrical Engineers are making great prepar ious tor llieir Courier Uaj exhibit. Prof Fossler lectured at Ulyses last Friday on some of his European travels. Tho class in beginning Germun under Miss Chamberliu has foi tj members. Prof Luokey will lecture next week at Indianap olis before the National Teacher's Association. Freshmen, unclassed and preparatory students will receive tickets to President Carter's oialion Friday afternoon. The Junior Promenado takes place Friday ovo iiing, F. b ltf All arrangements insuring its success liuve been made. Tho young ladies' advanced "gym." class will give an exhibition game of basket ball on Monday for ihe edilication of the legislators. Tho Y. M, and Y. VV. C. A. will giro a reception at the city Association Building next Saturday eve ning Everybody is invited to bo present. The winners of the prizes for the Junior annual story were, Miss Lucy lireen, rirst, and Mr. J. A. Sargent, second. For tho poem, Mv.h.b. Piper, first, Mr. Guy Green, second. at ft