The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 12, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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T 11 E H E S 1 15 R J A N
ti right to be there with several hours to
spare. I should never expose the fath
erly unkiudness of dear Professor X who
would undoubtedly have moved the
armory from its foundation rather than
let me make a senior of myself. Why
ovorybody but seniors realize that pro
fessors are only people after all, and
require charity for their acts of injustice,
just as preps, do for their failures in
Ohem. They aren't to blame because
with their enlarged vision they make out
an ordinary ant hill to be a Rocky moun
tain or two, are they? If I were a senior
T shouldn't question about such things,
for I should perhaps be too well posted
on the subject to need information.
If I were a senior, I certainly should
wear a cap and gown. Oh, I'd have dig
nity someway "if not in one way, why
then in another," a la Grover Cleveland
and Hanna. I'd be "trailing clouds of
glory" all the day. I'd drive forever
from my mind that innocent little line in
a poem in the Annual of '95.
"We will no stiuluiil monk or nuns"
And wear a black mother hubbard with
the rest of them if I wore a sonior girl.
If I were a senior I should await with
absolute calmness the announcement of
the Phi Beta Kappa, and after it was
done and the toggery and tin-taggory
was over with, I suppose T'd wonder why
I wasn't born smart, or why Providence
didn't clear the track forme all the time.
I suppose I should bo half-glad at least
to remain one of the common herd, since
it would be so much the larger, and
therefore bettor, if you accept the quanti
tative theory.
Tf I wore a sonior I know there would
come a sharp feeling in my eyes and
something big in my throat, when
thought of the dear old places and faces
which I would have to leave soon. I
should know that never again, and no
where this side of the groat gates would
there be such friends, such hopes and
aspirations. I wonder if seniors do feel
that way. They seem only to rejoice
that the long, hard grind is over and to
hope that beyond Commencement is a
little oasis and a chance to rest and think
and perhaps pray.
But! a member of the faculty inform
ed mo that such a hope was a delusion
and a snare. The oasis never materia
lizes. The Golden Hesperides is only a
myth. I would rather not be a senior
then. G. S.
He is a nice little 'Frat' boy, with good
money and brains, yes, really, lie is
popular with the girls and is considoro I
very much of a gentleman, both by him
solf and others, but I saw him do a thing
in chapel this morning which makes mo
question his right to the name.
In front of him sat a poorly dressed
German boy ahoy recognized by hisin
stnictor as a faithful, hard-working stud
ent, his hair was rough and long, his faro
was not so cleanly shaven as that of the
'gentleman' bohind him. His shirt was
colored and the collar largo and ill fit
ting, a loving mother's willing but un
skilled hands had shaped it, but his 1'aoe
was frank, his smile pleasing and Ins
manner courteous and attentive.
The boys behind him whispered con
stantly during the reading, nor did they
stop when the prayer began, but the Ger
man boy bowed his head reverently.
The 'Frat' then amused his companions
by making sport of tho other's clothes,
his hair, even his reverence wasridiculel.
At last he pickod up a sharp tack and
dropped it down tho gaping collar.
The other boy made no sign, except a
slight motion of tho shoulders, and at tho
end of the prayer removed tho tack and
walked quietly out without a look or mo
tion to indicate that horooognizod the in
sult. One of these boys has had all the ad
vantages of money, birth and breeding,
tho other has been reared in a homo ot
privation and sacrifice. Ho lives now in
some cheap lodging on less than the gen
tleman ' spends for amusement.
What is tho trouble; is there nothing
in noblesse oblige?